Berserk Mode

The heavy broad sword glinted with a cold murderous sheen, cutting through the air and emitting a soft humming noise as it made its way to its targets.

Jiang Ying Yue remained expressionless as she cut her opponents mercilessly. She didn't even bat her eye as with every stroke a head rolled down followed by a cacophony of furious roars.

The edges of the sword glinted so sharp, cutting through flesh and bones as if cutting through butter. It moved effortlessly and flawlessly.

In the beginning, this spiritual weapon still had some reminiscence of its previous master and was not behaving making it hard for Jiang Ying Yue have a hard time controlling it.

However, under Jiang Ying Yue's incessant domineering and fierce assault, it finally lost all its persistence and will and was compelled to submit in the end.

Well, who asked its previous master to be so useless?!... Now it was the one who was suffering....sob, sob.

Ah...Master, please be gentle!

Jiang Ying Yue moved like fish in the water bringing out the lethality and power hidden in the sword, and using it to the greatest extent. She was adept and her moves didn't appear a bit fleshy but they were packed with explosive power. Every stroke was accurate and decisive, showing a strong intent to kill.

On the left, the short little man with his stubby legs and hands was also giving his best to assist his master. He looked incredibly handsome in his little dashing robe resembling an immortal. Although his robes were tattered it didn't diminish his charm as he struck a handsome pose every turn.

His long silver whip dazzled in the air dancing along with the wind and frost reaping heads and limbs wherever it went. Fresh, hot blood drained endlessly in that dark, cruel night only to rain as crystals of snow.

It was terrifying cold and yet he could feel his blood boiling. He felt hot all over as he moved even faster and ruthlessly.

And he wasn't the only one. Azure, who usually looked soft and cute like a sweet little girl now had a ferocious and bloodthirsty grin on her little face. She was like a ferocious beast baring its claws and fangs ripping apart anyone who dared to step into her territory.

Her strength was formidable, tearing her opponent with her bare hands, pummeling and crushing them until they were left formless and bloody.

Azure's strength was tremendous but her speed was also a factor that couldn't be underestimated. She was weaponless, charging ahead relying on her small hands and feet yet it didn't give Abhram any advantage.

Jiang Ying Yue:"....." Her eyes almost popped out of her sockets from shock.

This...this slap came too early!

Jiang Ying Yue couldn't believe her eyes, those stubby lotus-like hands and legs could function so well...oh it's not just mere well. It was shocking and terrific.



" Seven!!"

" Damn! I won't let you win!!"

Jiang Ying Yue's mouth twitched looking at the way the two were competing as she withdrew her sword after killing a wolf who came to launch a stealth attack from behind.

As the battle continued it got fiercer and fiercer and they came to realise the opponents were gradually growing stronger...

As expected these beasts were smart creatures, even using formations and strategies.

" Master, they're trying to wear us out," Abhram stated after realising this.

" Hmm, I can see that." Jiang Ying Yue's tone was light and Abhram couldn't detect any fear or other emotions.

He squinted his eyes and glanced at many pairs of eyes that were still peering at them from the shadows as an ominous and forbidding feeling gradually arose in his heart.

Why were they so many?!

Things didn't seem quite right?

His instinct kept repeatedly telling him that something wasn't right. He could sense danger in the air far greater than these ferocious wolves. Besides.....

Abhram secretly glanced at Azure from the corner and gulped subconsciously.

No, no, this couldn't continue!

They still had an important task at hand to complete. It wouldn't be good if this continued to drag on like this.


Abhram immediately whipped his head towards his master, " Master, let's find a chance to escape, we still have a task at hand." His little face was a bit grave as he waved his whip in the air and took down a big wolf who was lunging at them and tore its body into two pieces with a slight tug.

He didn't even turn his head as he conducted this series of operations in one breath without even blinking. And not to mention he was still talking.

From the look of it, he looked quite at ease.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't know what was troubling him. However, she didn't have any chance to give it a deeper thought.

She didn't respond and squinted her eyes as her gaze locked onto a certain distant spot.

The leader of the wolf pack saw that the other party was difficult to deal with and howled and sent forth its elite soldiers.

The wolves of this batch were especially huge and fiercer than the previous ones that the three had slaughtered.

Jiang Ying Yue panted lighted as she wiped the sweat forming on her forehead with her sleeves.

These beasts were really not underestimated!

If not for her spiritual weapon aiding her throughout the fight she would have suffered many heavy injuries by now.

Jiang Ying Yue's suddenly narrowed dangerously as she glanced at the wolf that was standing behind being guarded by soldiers at the centre only exposing its fierce green eyes.

While its soldiers formed an impenetrable wall surrounding it and shielding it, it stood there commanding them like a general.

Each time the leader howled or whimpered the other wolves behaved like they were on drugs, going crazy and fiercer with each attack.

Even those two stubby ancient devils of hers were also finding it increasingly difficult to deter their attacks with every passing second.

" Master, let's run!" Abhram couldn't help but urge again. If this kept going on they would be dead meat for sure soon.

" Do you think I don't want to?" Jiang Ying Yue could hear the slight tremble in his milky voice. But what could they do, could they really run?

Would these beasts allow them?

She didn't think so...

" These guys, are simply immoral not leaving us a way out! Heavens, let them be reincarnated as dogs in their next lives, they don't deserve to be wolves!" Abhram grumbled out loud understanding her meaning.

And the wolves on the side who were baring their fangs and brandishing their claws heard him and paused in the mid-air. Then unimaginable fury raged in their eyes as glowered and growled ferociously.

Dare to insult them, dare to curse them?!

This person deserved to die a thousand times!

All the wolves that had been scattered and attacking Jiang Ying Yue and Azure gathered and lunged towards Abhram all at once.

Abhram who had yet to realise what he had done was scared silly facing the sudden barrage of the fierce assault.

The wolves flooded around him like a flood after tsunami scaring him witless, " What did I say wrong?! Go way!.... Anyway, you guys are dogs, to begin with, what's there to feel so insulted?!"

These guys were not only looking for death but also dragging them together.

Abhram's blabbering was like adding fuel to the fire and igniting more rage and beastly instinct in them.

Jiang Ying Yue was speechless and felt a headache coming. This they could just forget about escaping.

" Master, let's run! These guys are just too much!! Oh my God, so scary!"

So now you know they are scary after provoking them to this extent, hmm?

Jiang Ying Yue didn't know what to do about that fellow but she had to find a solution.

" Tangtang!" She called out immediately but even before she could get any response she was interrupted by another howl from Abhram.

" Master, save me! Oh, Azure, my dear Azure, HELP!!...."

Seeing that the little brat was screaming not stop Jiang Ying Yue finally hurried over to his side to help him.

Seriously, he wasn't at that disadvantage yet he was behaving miserably.

" Let's find a way to lure their leader out." Jiang Ying Yue whispered in his mind suggesting her plan.

However, upon hearing her plan Abhram expressed his hesitation, " Master, I'm afraid it's not possible. Its people are strictly guarding it. Besides, even if we lured it out I don't think we'd be able to handle it, and even if we did we might suffer serious damage, we'd better think of something else. Master, why don't we just run? " For some reason, the boy seemed to be in great haste as his gaze figuratively kept moving towards Azure as he spoke to her.

" Not necessarily." Jiang Ying Yue spoke lightly, vaguely feeling his fear and concern, " Even if we chose to run we might not be able to beat them in speed. Besides, our situation is a pickle right now. God knows, where we are and what sort of terrain is surrounding us. If we run blindly we'd only encounter more danger and disadvantages. So we better stay put before coming up with a good plan." She explained in one breath trying to ease his worry.

However, regardless of what she said Abhram only grew more worried and paler with every passing second.

On the other hand, Jiang Ying Yue didn't pay him further attention and was calling for Tangtang, " Tangtang, Tangtang, Tangtang!!...."

She kept calling but no response came, no matter how much she shouted there was no response. Jiang Ying Yue found it weird. Since those wolves came in waves, Jiang Ying Yue found herself a chance planning to go over to her side to see what was going on.

But before she could move her feet, someone clung onto her legs not letting go, " Master, don't go. It's bad, let's run!!"

Abhram didn't care, even when all the beasts were howling, trying to bite out of him he didn't care. He held onto her tightly.

Jiang Ying Yue glanced at the little koala hanging on her leg and wanted to shrug him off but he clung to tightly, " Let go!"

" No, master!" Abhram shook his head vehemently refusing to leave as he continued, " Master, you can't do this! Let's run before it's too late!!"

Seeing him acting so unreasonable Jiang Ying Yue's face darkened slightly, and she couldn't help being exasperated, " Alright, we'll leave, but don't we have to bring Tangtang along. Are you thinking of running alone?!"

She glanced at the little girl who was killing non-stop. She immediately felt something strange. Her aura....

" Yes, let's leave Azure here. She can handle it alone." Abhram really wanted to cry but had no tears. How could he persuade his master,?

" Are you kidding me?! How can we just leave her here alone?" Jiang Ying Yue looked annoyed and incredulous.

What was going on in this guy's brain, she couldn't understand.

" Master, it's not up to us even if we wanted to drag her along. That wretched girl's already on her way to berserk mode. And it's us who are not safe." Abhram trembled visibly.

" What? Mode?--" Jiang Ying Yue wanted to ask clearly however a sudden loud explosion interrupted her sentence.




A series of noises reverted one after another throughout the jungle in the still of the night sending a tremor.


Little theatre:

Jiang Ying Yue: Mirror, mirror who is the fairest of all?

Mirror Wei: Of course, it's my lady who's the fairest of all, her skin fair as snow, her hair dark as the night sky with countless gems shimmering, her lips akin to peach blossom while her eyes gentle as spring breeze.

Jiang Ying Yue: Wow! Wei, when did you flirt, why don't you give yourself to me?

Mirror Wei ( trying to hide the blushing creeping on his): My loyalty always belongs to my lady.

Jiang Ying Yue: Who said I am asking for loyalty, I'm also asking for your body.

Mirror Wei ( completely scarlet): That also belongs to my lady. Happy Valentines Day my Lady.

Jiang Ying Yue: Happy Valentine's Day my dear Wei