Unwilling To Lose

" Didn't I say not to let me repeat it?!... Put me down right this instant or the outcome won't be to your liking." Her voice was laced with severe threat and warning.

If Wei still refused to obey her this time then this matter wouldn't have a good ending!

However, despite knowing all this Wei seemed still hesitant.

He was very wary of the fact that Jiang Ying Yue had disappeared into thin air time and time again under his strict watch.

And every time the girl disappeared she didn't even leave behind any traces. It was as if from the beginning, her existence and her presence were all a mere illusion. The moment you turned your gaze she'll crumble into dust or evaporate into mist and disappear forever.

As if nothing could bind her, nothing could restrict her. The way she gave off detached and distant feelings despite being so close made Wei utterly uneasy.

Wei had been observing her for a while and he had always been very accurate. And that was why her sudden disappearance always made him uncomfortable, forcing him to lose control. The emotions that he had long given up on somehow started to stir in the calm bottom. And this unfamiliar feeling...

This feeling...he didn't like it at all.

Wei's deep pool-like gaze studied the girl's lipid eyes carefully before saying, " Don't you want to go back? Your sister is waiting for you. I will carry you there, that'll be swifter. Besides, the ground is too cold, you'll get sick."

Wei, who rarely spoke, said so much and said it too nicely just so that the girl would agree to his request of carrying her around.

He knew his request was presumptuous and crossing the boundary, but he didn't dare to let her go.

Furthermore, it wasn't the first time they had such close contact with each other.....wait.

Wei suddenly widened his eyes in disbelief, remembering the soft touch on his lips earlier.

" Put me down, I am not going." Now that Wei mentioned her sister, Jiang Ying Yue felt another headache.

This system thing was not reliable at all, it should have at least found some time to give her a heads-up previously before making a move.

Now, she was very certain, her sister and maids might be huddled together wiping their tears and snot while looking for her everywhere.

With these thoughts in her mind that she didn't even notice the strange look on the man's face. She wriggled in his arms trying to get on her feet, " You go back and tell them that I am alive and well...oh...and I'll be back later..."

As for when this later was she had no idea herself. Now she could only come up with something and force them to make do with this.

However, why wasn't this man responding?....

Jiang Ying Yue turned her gaze and it instantly collided with Wei's deep and scorching one making her strangely feel uneasy, " Wh.. what are you looking at?... Did you hear what I just said?!"

Wei's heart which had been like a thousand-year frozen lake couldn't help skipping a beat when he saw her cherry-like fluttering mouth.

That tender and warm feeling....he was certain it wasn't just a dream. He could still taste her lingering breath and sweetness in his mouth. Although just a trace of it remained, to a person who had been going through years of bitterness it was equivalent to a large vat of honey.

He wasn't impulsive but this time he couldn't help asking for more, " You kissed me?"

This was a question but the tone of it was very certain.

Jiang Ying Yue blinked twice before registering the question after which she immediately denied, " No, I didn't!"

' Are you kidding me?!... I would never admit to this even if you beat me to death!!'

' Who doesn't know ancient people are so troublesome!"

She seemed to be completely erased the memories from her mind when both of them had seen each other half-naked.

Wei who had been waiting for the answer in fear and anticipation suddenly speechless and stunned.

This was blatant lying!

And that was not all...the way she didn't even bat an eye while doing so gave him another level of speechlessness.

He knew he had been rash in asking her this so openly but shouldn't this girl feel a bit abashed facing such a bold and embarrassing question?

Why was it that he never knew this little girl could be this shameless?....

Or...was it because she didn't see him as a man at all?!

This question seemed to burn his sanity, " You did and I can still feel your taste in my mouth!"

This time it was the other party's turn to get speechless.

Where did this hooligan come from?!

" Nonsense, stop slandering me!!"

But....why did she sound like a scumbag who was refusing to take responsibility after sleeping?....

However, no matter what she couldn't back down because now it would be too.... embarrassing, " It's you...yes, you must be having a wet dream while you were still unconscious earlier."

A storm seemed to be brewing in Wei's deep eyes as he kept staring at the girl as if she was his prey.....

He didn't understand why he was feeling this way....he couldn't come up with an explanation.

But....at this moment he felt like ravaging her small, tender mouth that kept mumbling nonsense.

However, Jiang Ying Yue, who was the prey wasn't aware of the oncoming danger and kept pressing on, " If you are so thirsty and unable to control your urges, as your master it's my responsibility to fulfil your needs and wishes. Don't worry when we return capital I'll find you a bevvy of beauties and you can choose one and get married--"

This last sentence seemed to be the last stroke that broke the camel's back.

Jiang Ying Yue's mind exploded as she felt that sudden familiar cool touch on her lips.

Her mind buzzed in the same way it did previously, however, the intensity this time was a hundredfold.

The warm breath mingled with his cool touch sent an unfamiliar shiver through her spine she couldn't help moaning.

Her voice now was extremely soft, waxy and coquettish, seductive to its core that Wei found it too unbearable to leave.

He kept lowering his head, leaning in to keep enjoying that soft touch...however, that was all he did. Appearing as if he had no idea or knowledge of how to continue.

Jiang Ying Yue who was still in a muddled state, torn between embarrassment and unfamiliar thrill seemed to have found a breakthrough.

No, she couldn't let this continue!

There was no way in ten thousand years she would lose to this 'ancient' being!!

Reaching out her hands she looped them around Wei's neck seductively closing the distance between them.

With their lips still plastered she commanded domineeringly through breath, " You're still a noob. Let this sister teach you what real kissing is."

She was forceful and overbearing when it came to conquering the new domain.

She didn't shy away or feel bashful as she charged forward valiantly.

It first started with a bit of overbearing and painful sucking then it turned into gentle and delicate smooches.

When Wei felt himself drowning in her tender affection and gentleness he abruptly felt a sharp pain. He let out a hiss giving the girl an opportunity to plunder further into his territory.

The moment the soft yet agile tongues collided he felt another wave of thrill.

Jiang Ying Yue was a bit clumsy at the beginning, however, one shouldn't ignore the fact that she was a citizen of the twenty-first century.

You haven't played before didn't mean that you didn't know the rules.

With every tug on his tongue, he felt the strings in his heart-tugging. His breath hitched and gradually turned heavy as his eyes grew scarlet with lust.

Wei couldn't help wondering.....was the fact that he had lost all his desires and emotions just a big joke?!

In the beginning, it was only Jiang Ying Yue who was doing all the work sending Wei to unfamiliar heights of pleasure and thrill. However, Wei, who gradually got the gist of this soon started to reciprocate the gesture.

Tongues rolled, collided and tugged on each other savouring every bit of its taste. The two were so engrossed in this heated kiss that seemed to have forgotten the spat from earlier.

Abhram, who had taken the chance to hide far away somewhere held his forehead not daring to look.

This.....if the outcome was supposed to be kissing, then what hell were they arguing for?!

Previously, Abhram had thought that this Wei guy was a good catch. His master, who was like an untouchable cloud soaring up in the sky far from worldly matters needed someone to tug her down and let her feel a sense of belonging. So that now and then she wouldn't have the idea of leaving this world and returning to her home planet.

Now it looked like he had put too much hope in this man.

This man was very capable of leading his master astray!

Should he find a chance to replace him.....but where could he find that calibre of man.

" Hmm....now you know what a real kiss is?" Jiang Ying Yue smirked in satisfaction, caressing her masterpiece.

" Hmm...." This time Wei didn't argue back and nodded humbly. He was still savouring the taste that lingered in his mouth.

After this the only thing left was dead silence.

Now that deed was already done and her rationality gradually sank in, Jiang Ying Yue couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

She hurriedly tilted her head sideways trying to hide the blush on her fair cheeks, " Ahem....you should go back now. Tell my sister and maids that it might take me a few days but I'll go back before the end of the month."

That was the day they decided on returning to the capital.

Wei frowned slightly seeing that the girl seemed to have made her plans. However, he couldn't obey her and leave her alone. After some hesitation and thinking he finally spoke, " How about I accompany you?.... Just take it as me tagging along, I won't hinder you... You have my assurance!" He added hastily.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't agree to his request immediately and instead asked, " What about my sister? Who's looking after them?"

Although there were also Tian and others she still took them as outsiders. As for Wei, who had barged into her life all of a sudden she subconsciously took him as her own.

It was a fact that even she was unaware of.

" Don't worry, I have someone reliable protecting them."

Wei responded promptly.

Someone reliable?.... Jiang Ying Yue raised her brows slightly but didn't ask more.

If Wei said that the man was reliable then he must be reliable. Anyway, she owed him this one and she would find a chance to pay him back. After all, nothing in this world should be taken for granted, everything single thing came with a price tag.

Just because she saved him once....oh, twice, she couldn't keep him as her eternal slave.

" Alright, you can follow me." Since the needed help had come knocking on her door she didn't want to be hypocritical.

Now she still had the task on her hand and her two little helpers....forget it!...

Her heart, liver, lungs everything ached just thinking about them.

And the system didn't mention that she couldn't use other assistance besides them, right?

Oh....by the way, what was the penalty for the task failure?....the system didn't seem to have mentioned it.

What an unreliable system!!...

Wei's eyes seemed to have brightened when he heard her acquiesce to his request. He subconsciously held her tighter.

"Wei, let's find a place to rest for the night." Jiang Ying Yue looked at the sky which seemed to be still darker than the raven's feathers.

It seemed like there were still quite a few hours to go before daybreak.

Wei was swift as always holding the little girl in his arms he disappeared without leaving behind any trace.

Abhram was dumbfounded. They just abandoned him just like that. His adorable eyes instantly turned pitiful as he surveyed the surrounding.

Gone....just gone like that!


His cry stopped abruptly as his eyes caught the countless strange mounds lining up in the vicinity.

This....this pervert!

He hadn't forgotten to capture these beasts while having the time of his life.

Was he afraid that they would interrupt him?!

Poor beasts....stuffed with unwanted dog food!

Abhram couldn't help praying for their pitiful departed soul.