Return to Lan Quan

" Holly sh*t, these beasts are nuts!" Jiang Ying Yue exclaimed in horror seeing those enraged beasts lunging towards them with a rocket-like speed.

Jiang Ying Yue's heart thumped rapidly as the hand that was hooked around Wei's neck gave his shoulder a hard squeeze subconsciously.

Wei stiffened slightly when felt the touch of the soft, dainty palm through the layers of fabric. This touch for some strange reason felt particularly scorching.

Jiang Ying Yue, who didn't know all this, could already see the King Of Hell greeting her at the door with a smile.

Horror filled her eyes for a moment, however, in the next blink, it was replaced by incredulity and amazement.

Her eyes were so dazzled that it felt like everything before her eyes had turned surreal that they didn't make any sense.

Lan Quan,

The streets and markets were bustling with activities as usual. Pedestrians milled about the streets going about with their daily business when a sudden shock wave hit the entire city, and soon after it followed an earth-shattering noise.


The noise was like the roar of an enraged dragon or perhaps a furious and powerful thunderclap in the sky.

The people cowered and trembled.

They couldn't tell what it was exactly....whether the Earth was trembling or the Heaven was splitting open...

However, one thing that they were certain of was that the noise came from the direction of the Beast Heaven Mountain.

Was some senior cultivator going through their Heavenly tribulation?!....

They couldn't help wondering.

" Sister Qiu?!....." Jiang Ying Mei was startled badly as her small body shivered in fright. More than fright it was also her unprecedented nervousness and unease that made her appear even paler.

Even her voice was trembling slightly. Even though she didn't say more the two maids beside her understood her worries.

" Second Miss, don't worry, Eldest Miss must be fine."

Although, Qiu tried to comfort the frightened little her little voice didn't sound much confident.

At this moment, they could only hold onto this sliver of hope and pray for their Eldest Young Miss' safe return.

It was nearing midnight. All the streets and markets that were bustling during the day now looked deserted.

At this moment, when the night was still a shadow sneaked above the city gate and entered the city.

Dong, Dong!

Dong, Dong!....

" Who is it?" The attendant who was keeping the night watch at the inn opened the door and asked.

Wei didn't speak and simply carried the person in his arms inside and threw him a purse filled with gold coins.

At first, the attendant was scared stiff by Wei's cold gaze and took a while to regain his composure.

When the purse hit the table, the coins inside it jiggled and clanged. The sound was especially jarring in the quiet hall.

" Give us two rooms."

" Ah....yes, yes, this way, this way, please!...." The attendant hurriedly woke up from his stupor and picked up the heavy purse before ushering the two upstairs.

All the way grinning ear to ear, trying to flatter the guests as he secretly felt the weight of the bag of money in his hand.

The morning sun was shining brightly outside the window when Jiang Ying Yue finally woke from her beauty sleep.

Although, she had a good sleep Jiang Ying Yue still felt her body aching all over. So, she did not rush and took her time washing up and getting dressed before going down for breakfast.

The door was pushed open and she was about step out when she suddenly flinched and jumped back.

Right outside the door was standing a man, who had delicate features and looked even more exquisite than any woman.

His amorous narrow Phoenix eyes, tall and narrow bridge, and delicate lips all held a certain feminine charm to them despite his gender.

However, these contradictory features despite appearing together didn't look jarring to the eyes. Rather he looked very pleasing and attractive.

If Wei was the cold and unattainable beauty then this man was the bewitching evildoer.

Jiang Ying Yue had no doubt that if this man was placed in her world he would definitely be very popular and rank among the most sought idols.

He was handsome and he was tall. Based on these two facts alone he could stand out in the entertainment circle.

It's just that it was a pity to waste such a good look in this god-forsaken world where people didn't have any sense of entertainment.

Jiang Ying Yue stared at the other party suspiciously feeling his abnormal gaze. As she kept staring this feeling increasingly grew that this man before her was up to no good.

No matter how good-looking he was he couldn't disguise the bloody stench in his body.

This man was just as dangerous as his lethal beauty!

As she was about to slip out of the door before the man could act, the man opposite hurriedly stepped forward and bowed slightly, " Greetings, Miss Jiang." He took the initiative and greeted with a faint smile.

" Who are you?!" Jiang Ying Yue tried to hide the shock in her eyes.

How did this man know she was Miss Jiang?!

Was her disguise that useless?....

Wei Mo glanced at the girl from the corner of his eyes curiously, who would have known this young handsome man was actually that well-known as well as notorious Eldest Miss of Jiang Mansion?

Her disguise was really good!

If not for some hints he had accumulated during these past few days from accompanying this person's little sister and maids, in addition to his master's strange orders he would have never managed to guess it.

However, why were his cold and detached master favoring this little girl so much who was still wet behind the ear?.... many answered puzzles and he was itching to know!!

" I am Wei Mo and I am entrusted by My lord to ensure Miss Jiang's safety from here on."

" Your lord?..." Jiang Ying Yue looked puzzled, who was this lord now who was sending her his people to cause her trouble?!... As if one Wei alone wasn't enough...

Oh...where's that fellow?!

Jiang Ying Yue's eyes darted around subconsciously looking for that man when she heard Wei Mo answering, " My lord is the man who had been accompanying Miss Jiang for the past few days in the mountain." He explained not daring to utter his lord's sacred name.

Upon hearing him, Jiang Ying Yue's gaze shifted to him once again and she furrowed her brows thoughtfully for a moment before probing, " The lord you are he Wei?"

Something flashed in Wei Mo's eyes when he heard Jiang Ying Yue's direct way of addressing his master. The curiosity in his intensified even more as he nodded.

" Yes."

" Ah...I see." Jiang Ying Yue's guarded expression changed slightly as her eyes stared at the man curiously. She rubbed her chin and looked at the man from head to toe with undisguised probing as a strange light glinted across her eyes that looked quite evil.

Wei Mo suddenly felt goosebumps crawl all over his body under her burning gaze not knowing the meaning of that evil gaze.

The faint smile on his face had long turned stiff and it was his turn to look guarded.

Jiang Ying Yue who was still busy studying the man finally noticed the man's unease and put on a smile what she thought was amiable and said good-naturedly, " Hehe....don't misunderstand I'm a very nice person...If you don't believe me why don't you ask your master?" Jiang Ying Yue paused and even added.

However, Wei Mo was Wei Mo he had a very powerful sixth sense which was even stronger than any radar when it came to detecting any potential dangers. Otherwise, he wouldn't be his master's one of the most trusted and capable subordinates.

He adamantly believed that things were not as simple as this person claimed them to be.

'Believe you?.... Why don't you remove that weird smile before trying a bit harder!!'

" Oh...right, where's Wei?" Jiang Ying Yue finally shifted her gaze and looked around for that person. She had very matter to discuss with that person.

" Lord has some urgent matters to attend to, so he left the city before dawn. Miss Jiang, if you need anything you can inform me anytime. My lord has instructed me to ensure your safety and follow your arrangements." Wei Mo responded.

" Is that so?..." Jiang Ying Yue suddenly felt a little disappointed and unfamiliar resentment for some reason. And an unknown feeling gradually started to take its roots in the deepest valley of her cold heart that had yet to be touched by anyone, " Do you know when he will return?"

Even before she could think further Jiang Ying Yue found herself asking this question.

However, soon after she felt vexed at her impulsive behavior, ' Why do you care so much about that dead man's return, isn't it good to get rid of such a dangerous man who was haunting you everywhere like some evil ghost?! Isn't it what you wanted?! What's the point of behaving like an abandoned lover?!Pfft..Pfft, who's abandoned lover?!'

Jiang Ying Yue chided herself harshly in her heart.

Wei Mo, on the other hand, looked equally troubled. After all, his master didn't mention anything about his return he left. So, how should he answer, what should he say?...

He was hesitating and contemplating when he heard Jiang Ying Yue say suddenly, " It's alright, you don't need to say. I was just asking."

With that, she wanted to leave quickly while trying to suppress the strange feeling that kept arising in her heart.

She walked a few steps toward the staircase before she thought of something and paused, turning back to say something. But the man who stood just behind a few moments ago seemed to have disappeared without any trace.

Jiang Ying Yue stood there and kept looking around but didn't even get a glimpse of his shadow.

" Honorable guest, do you need anything?" The attending who was passing by walked up to her and asked when he saw the guest seemed to be looking for something.

", nothing." Jiang Ying Yue shook her head and walked away. Hmm, Wei's people were quite capable, she didn't even manage to hear any noise when the person moved.

When she went down, unsurprisingly she met with a familiar group of people who were also sitting down in the lobby to eat their breakfast.

Then, the breakfast session turned into a sobbing session. Jiang Ying Mei and the two maids cried heartbreakingly until their voices turned hoarse. The trio cried like they were there to celebrate someone's funeral.

" Don't cry, don't cry!" Jiang Ying Yue was undoubtedly flustered in handling such a situation. She never had a sibling before, besides her parents she had been never close to anyone. So, she had no idea what to do in such a situation. And that was also the reason why Abhram always managed to get his way by shedding a few drops of crocodile tears.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't know what to say more and only repeated this sentence.

The people who were also seated in the lobby enjoying their breakfast couldn't help giving them all sorts of strange gazes.

However, Jiang Ying Yue wasn't someone who cared about all this. She only wanted her sister and maids to stop crying. Thus, she focused all her attention on comforting them.