Lou Lihua

As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, the people didn't even have time to breathe, they went into a frenzy.

Originally, the people seated beside Jiang Ying Yue also held the intention to join in, however, after giving it a second thought they reluctantly decided not to, not wanting to sour their harmonious relationship.

The bidding price quickly rose to an astronomical height and at last someone offered an enormous sum of one million gold and got their hands on the ointment.

With this amount of money in her hand Jiang Ying Yue could be finally called a little rich lady.

This also surprised Jiang Ying Yue who never expected that little bottle of ointment to bring her so much money.

The handsome middle-aged man who managed to win this bid, beamed with excitement as rays of hope and anticipation flickered in his eyes.

The man took a moment to calm his emotions before beckoning his man to whisper something.

Soon after, the subordinate exited the box and made his way to the side hall of the auction house which served as an exchange room as well as a registration desk.

By the time the auction finally came to an end, the long-forgotten Jiang Ying Mei was already dozing off.

To her, this sort of setting was incredibly boring. She was young and bubbling with childlike enthusiasm and vigor, a boring place like an auction house where people supposedly did nothing but yelling would only dampen her spirit.

Furthermore, from the day they were escorted back by Wei Mo to till now, they hadn't had a good night's rest. Now that Jiang Ying Yue had finally returned to them unscathed they could finally rest at ease.

The two maids beside her weren't doing much better either. Their eyes were blurry and misty from the result of countless yawns.

Looking at their current state Jiang Ying Yue's lips couldn't help forming a soft and beautiful arch as surging warmth rose from the depth of her eyes melting away the bone-chilling frost.

Then, turning to Elder Mo she requested, " Elder Mo, can you get someone to get my things from the exchange desk?"

" Of course, Grandmaster, you can leave this to me. I'll get my disciple to do it immediately." Elder Mo patted his chest, ensuring that he would complete the task perfectly.

With that, the old turned to his disciple who stood behind, " Little Yi!" He gestured.

Lin Yi responded with a nod, turning to leave.

" Wait!"

Jiang Ying Yue stood up from her seat, walked up to him, and handed him a familiar porcelain bottle before whispering something to him.

Although her voice was very light it wasn't to the extent that the people in the room couldn't hear it, when they heard Jiang Ying Yue they looked unanimously surprised.

Not long after Lin Yi left Elder Mo finally couldn't control his curiosity.

" Grandmaster, you intend to poach her?"

This 'her' was obviously that bewitching auctioneer lady.

" Hmm." Jiang Ying Yue had nothing to hide and nodded casually while walking up to Jiang Ying Mei to wake her up.

However, her casual agreement had successfully managed to pique the interest of this group of people.

They had long known that this boy's brain circuit was different from usual people's. Hence, the things he would do in no way fall under ordinary scope.

" Xiao You, are you planning to open an auction hall?" asked Tian Shan, who felt his heart itching with countless questions and curiosity.

" Xiao Min, Xiao Min, wake up--" Jiang Ying Yue, who was nudging Jiang Ying Mei paused, her eyes downcast, seemingly giving it a serious thought, " Hmm, that's also a good option."

' Heh, what does he mean?.... Is it yes or no?'

Originally, Jiang Ying Yue planned to open a large medical hall and train a few good seedlings but now that someone had mentioned an auction house, which seemed to be in trend here, she decided to give it a further thought.

The people around her were puzzled by her not-so-certain response, they instinctively wanted to ask more, but, after some deliberation, they decided against it.

Although they had grown close to each other during this trip, it was undeniable that it wasn't to the extent that they could share each other's secrets or meddle in their business.

Oblivious to all their thoughts Jiang Ying Yue finally managed to wake up Jiang Ying Mei and stepped out of the box, followed by her two maids in tow.

Upon seeing them leaving, others didn't linger behind and quickly followed them.

It was nearing noon, and the previously crowded street looked much more spacious, due to people returning to their lodgings to escape the scorching summer heat.

" Grandmaster, you have a good vision, that girl is pretty good." Elder Mo wasn't used to being too quiet and gossiping as usual, then halfway through his sentence, he suddenly sighed as if lamenting about something.

" What?" His deep sorrowful sigh and grave expression earned him Jiang Ying Yue's curious gaze.

Why was this Old man so dramatic?...

Others who followed along also focused all their gazes on him urging him to carry on.

Under everyone's sigh, Elder Mo let out another sigh and started the story, " This girl Lou is also a pitiful one. Her father died early leaving behind three other members of the family. After his untimely death as the eldest child, the girl took the burden of raising the whole family on her own. And for many years she'd been working outside and feeding her mother and brother and shouldering all the responsibilities of the family instead of getting married despite passing the marriageable age long ago."

In Jiang Ying Yue's impression, the auctioneer lady wasn't as old as Elder Mo's words had made her appear--At most in her early twenties.

However, what was this place?.... It was the ancient world, where society was feudal in nature. Although it wasn't that rigid and make and females were allowed to interact to some extent when it came to marriage it was still too old-fashioned.

And Elder Mo couldn't be blamed for his remark.

Elder Mo just paused to take a breath when a shadow flashed before them and landed right beside Elder Mo, " Old thing, why don't you continue?"

Sensing the sudden appearance of the man Elder Mo was stunned for a moment before reacting with a scoff, " Why should I continue?! What has it got to do with you?!"

These two people seemed to have natural animosity against each other, and since the first encounter, both of them seemed to be equally unwilling to give each other a good face.

Despite the huge disparity in their age they fought and jabbed at each other like they were peers.

Wei Mo, however, didn't mind and continued insisting that the other party finish the remaining story, " Old thing, don't be so moody and spill out it at once." Then cast he cast a discreet glance at the old man and continued," I just happen to find this story kind of strangely familiar. Old thing, hurry up and finish it!"

Wei Mo, who was 'well-renowned' among Wei's subordinates for his exceptionally sharp ears and gossipy nature knew how to hook his fellowman's appetite.

From what he observed till now, Elder Mo was also someone who shared his keen interest in listening to all sorts of gossip.

So, now he was itching to hear more he could only lure the old man with this tempting bait.

" Similar?..." As expected, Elder Mo perked up.

Elder Mo, who had lived up to his seventies only had two hobbies--first, growing vegetables in the courtyard garden, and second, listening to gossip.

However, listening to gossip didn't mean that he was a bad person who took pleasure in listening to others' misfortunes and sorrows. Rather, he was a very kind old man.

In Lan Quan, his ears spread everywhere and often he would lend assistance to those needy people discreetly after listening to their stories. However, despite all this, he wasn't someone who was looking for fame and did his things quietly.

He only had this habit of listening to gossip which seemed to have developed out of his boredom.

" Really?... Let me listen to it later. Oh, right, where was I?.... Yeah, everything's good about her except she's got a pair of bloodsucking mother and brother..."

The two people stuck shoulder to shoulder and chatted away forgetting the people behind them. They were just like two neighborhood ladies who'd forget the time to prepare lunch when they went on a gossiping spree.

The people who were left behind:"....."

These two guys were just too quick in forgetting the past!

Back in the auction house,

" Miss Lou!" Lin Yi called out to Lou Lihua, who was exiting the auction house through the back door.

" Yes." With a smile, Lou Lihua arched her brow. Her whole appearance seemed to be dazzling.

Lin Yi felt that his soul seemed to have been sucked away in that instant with a single glance and stood there dumbly for a moment. It was only when he heard the melodious bell-like laughter he came to his sense.

He immediately moved away his eyes awkwardly before recalling the message he had to relay, " Ahem....here, this."

He presented the porcelain bottle with both hands.

" This...isn't?!..." Lou Lihua gasped slightly recognizing the bottle at a glance.

The bottle looked plain and ordinary but it had a special pattern just like the previous one. Although this pattern looked similar at a glance, however, upon further inspection it looked a bit different.

Lou Lihua had a very good memory and remembered the details.

The pattern on the bottles was drawn by Jiang Ying Yue on her free and marked serially. She had the habit of doing it, whenever she made anything it would have to be marked by her personally, and even after her rebirth, she hadn't changed this habit.

" Yes, My Young Master, asked me to pass it to you."

Upon hearing that this bottle was given to her Lou Lihua couldn't help but be stunned. She was startled by the thought that something that amounted to millions of gold was given to her casually. She couldn't help getting flustered by this unexpected favor that came out of nowhere and couldn't react for a while.

Lou Lihua stared at that little thing uneasily as if she was facing something dangerous and threatening.

Then, as if realizing something, she suddenly lifted her gaze and directed at Lin Yi, " You...aren't you Elder Mo's eldest disciple?! Where did you get a young master?!"

" Eh?..." This time it was Lin Yi, who was caught off guard by her question, how was he supposed to explain this?...

Should he tell her the truth that this young master wasn't some ordinary young master but actually was called Grandmaster by Elder Mo?....

The moment this thought surfaced.....he shook his head frantically, No way!!

He didn't know what had gotten into his master, but at least, as his master's eldest disciple, he had to maintain his master's dignity in front of outsiders.

" He is Elder Mo's guest. He said that he greatly admired your dedication to your work and thanked you for your hard work." Not wanting to continue the previous topic Lin Yi instantly relayed the message.

Lou Lihua, who looked uneasy and puzzled earlier instantly flushed red after a moment of disbelief. Her eyes shone with a delightful gleam and her heart felt touched somehow.

Who doesn't like being complimented for something that they had put their hearts into achieving?

Lou Lihua was the same. All thought that she had a beautiful face and seductive figure and was selected by the manager of the auction hall to attract male customers.

All looked at her face and no one bothered to pay attention to the effort she put into her work.

Instead, they all measured her with strange and inappropriate gazes and called her a vixen.

Was it her fault for being born this way?.... She wasn't the one who chose this all but why was she the one who had bear all of this?!

If she were allowed to make a choice, then she'd rather be born with an ordinary face and work harder than be born with such a beauty only to be cursed and harrassed endlessly!