
Murong Jing was extremely annoyed.

One Nangong Ruyi was already more than enough for them to tackle now there was this another brat of unknown origin.

Murong Jing glowered with murder written all over his face as he rummaged through his space ring seemingly looking for something.

However, once he was done the grey hue on his face darkened a few shades further, and his face turned frighteningly ugly as held the dart in his hand.

It appeared that all the so-called 'divine' darts he brought along from his clan on this trip were all used up except for one.

As it turned out the herbs used in concocting the potion in which the darts were immersed to create these divine darts were extremely rare and only grown in their clan, and thus, only core members of the clan were provided with a few of them every year. However, that was all in the past, thirty years ago.

Back then, their Murong clan was nearly exterminated the rare herbs that the clan secretly grew all perished along with their clan. However, later on, it was an Elder of their clan who accidentally stumbled upon some of them when they were wandering in the wild, hunted down by countless people.

Even so with the appearance of these herbs, their days didn't turn easy. These sorts of herbs were very selective by nature and needed to satisfy specific conditions for their optimum growth. One could just imagine the plight of a few fugitives who were running around all over the land escaping for their lives how could they grow such troublesome herbs?

Hence, it took them more than two decades to achieve the result, making these herbs even thousands of times more precious than the spirit stones.

However, despite all this, the Elders were very concerned and put high importance on Nangong Ruyi's matter and so they had given him plenty of these darts.

Needless to say, since he was given these darts he'd surely use them well. He had gone in a wide circle, inciting wars and whatnot just so that he could distract Nangong Ruyi and bring her back to the clan without alerting anyone.

And he wasn't bragging his plan was indeed flawless and he didn't leave a single trace behind. Even when later those people came to know of Nangong Ruyi's appearance they wouldn't be the ones to be placed under doubt, even if someone were to take this blame it would undoubtedly be the royal family of the Burning Phoenix nation.

Murong Jing had planned it well and everything was smooth sailing until this obnoxious brat of unknown origin decided to interfere and disrupt his plans.

Hence, it was understandable why Murong Jing was so annoyed and confused.

Was this brat someone from the Nangong clan or the other clans who had the same intention as them?

Murong Jing couldn't get his answer, however, that was not important currently. Now the most important thing was to get rid of this brat immediately.

Murong Jing rolled his eyes back and forth. He could have gone to fight as well breaking the heavenly restriction just like his men, however, he utterly shellfish man. So knowing the consequences of breaking the restriction he was extremely unwilling.

Since he couldn't use a straightforward method he once again thought about resorting to his shady tricks

" Hey, if you want that woman to live you'd better be obedient and follow my instruction, otherwise you can forget about seeing that woman alive!"

From his observation just now he could tell that the boy cared very much about Nangong Ruyi and didn't mean her any harm. Since that was the case it was better to use Nangong Ruyi as the bait.

With this thought, the man didn't hesitate and threatened Jiang Ying Yue with a fierce tone.

" Didn't you ask what we have done to that woman before? then let me tell you she's poisoned, without an antidote to cure the poison she'd be dead soon. So, hurry up, the hand that woman over to us if you want her to continue living!"

However, things didn't as Murong Jing had expected, Jiang Ying Yue wasn't an easy nut to crack, she was never someone who'd obediently play by rules.

Although his voice was loud and clear on Jiang Ying Yue's side there was no response.

Jiang Ying Yue sneered derisively did he think that she was some gullible child so easy to fool?

She had checked her mother's condition earlier. Although she wasn't exactly sure what was going on with her mother she was very sure her life wasn't in danger.

" Hey b*stard, did you hear me?! I said that woman is poisoned and needed an antidote as soon as possible to keep her life....."

Murong Jing hissed and repeated his threat once again but only for Jiang Ying Yue to turn a deaf ear to it.

Jiang Ying Yue had already reached her breaking and could anytime collapse and crumble. Hence, there was no way she wanted to argue and waste that bit of energy she'd left on that idiot of a man. She was just waiting....just a little more and she'd be able to flee.

However, the man was relentless. As if the second time wasn't enough for him to understand he continued shouting coercing her for the third time.

" Sure, whatever, just don't disturb me." Jiang Ying Yue muttered carelessly at the end seemingly finding him a complete nuisance.

Murong Jing choked.

The men who had been waiting for their master's rescue choked as well.

They had been completely worn out and on the verge of collapsing, since the repercussion was starting to take effect. So they didn't have time before their cultivation base collapsed and they'd turn completely useless.

However, this little monster here wasn't showing any intention to stop and got only fiercer as they fought.

", don't you care? Are you so cruel?" Murong Jing was flustered as trying to come up with another plan.

Since coercing him didn't work he tried distracting the boy and rambled a bunch of nonsense trying to provoke the boy. Young boys of this age usually had a hot temper and it was very easy to stimulate them. As long as this boy was distracted for a second he was sure to succeed in his plan.

Nevertheless, this plan of his was proving useless as Jiang Ying Yue didn't respond to any of his further provocations. She completely ignored his chatter as if she didn't hear anything when he was shouting out so loud.

It wasn't that Jiang Ying Yue wasn't responding to him she didn't respond because her senses had turned blurred. She had far exceeded her limit and was standing there with nothing but sheer will.

After a few shouts, Murong Jing also seemed to realize this fact and darted toward Nangong Ruyi gesturing for his man to be prepared to leave.

Upon seeing that things were spiraling out of control Abhram panicked, he wanted to take everyone and hide inside Brahma space but soon remembered that it was impossible.

Nangong Ruyi was a human and couldn't enter Brahma space even if they wanted to bring her in.

In desperation and unease, Abhram shouted at Jiang Ying Yue while obstructing Murong Jing from taking away Nangong Ruyi.

" Master!!"

" Master, master!!"



The tiger and the tigress gave an enraged roar before putting themselves before Jiang Ying Yue and Namgong Ruyi showing their utmost will to sacrifice themselves to protect their master.

While Abhram was restrained by the rest of the guards Murong Jing sent a powerful gale of Qi and flung the tigress out of the way stepping towards Nangong Ruyi who had eyes shut as she lay on the ground.

When everyone thought that this was the end and Murong Jing was starting to get happy a shadow abruptly sprinted toward him before he could even touch the hem of Nangong Ruyi's robes.

Jiang Ying Yue wasn't fully conscious her mind was just following her instinct of protecting her mother.

However, because she wasn't fully conscious she didn't see Murong Jing take out the dart to stab.

" Master, watch out for the dart!" Abhram cried as he watched the dart fly toward Jiang Ying Yue at incredible speed.

His eyes bulged in horror and he wanted to run to her side when Abhram saw something shocking...

The dart that was flying toward Jiang Ying Yue had halted midway in the way barely a few centimeters distance from Jiang Ying Yue while Murong Jing who was wearing a devious sneer on his face was tossed in the air.



With a loud thud, Murong Jing slammed to the ground a few meters away.

He winced and groaned in pain as his eyes turned incredulous when painfully sat up and looked at Jiang Ying Yue.

In his eyes there was shock, there was horror, and even some traces of confusion and unwillingness. All sorts of emotions mingled within his gaze and couldn't help raising his trembling hand to ask Jiang Ying Yue, " You....?"

But nothing came out of his mouth he seemed to be completely shell-shocked. It was not only him the men he brought along were also equally dumbfounded by the turn of this event.

How could it be?!

Who was this boy and why didn't they know of his existence?!

Was this boy really related to their Murong clan, how was this possible?!

This boy was a man....a man, how could he have the inheritance?!

Murong Jing felt that his entire being had taken a heavy blow, he went into a complete daze and it was only a while before he suddenly remembered something rummaged his sleeves only to experience another shock. shattered!!

How could this be?!...

Murong Jing held the pieces of a broken pearl or perhaps a stone with his trembling hands and kept muttering something under his breath.

And it took him a while to regain his composure after which a determined glint flashed across his eyes.

While on this side everyone was shocked Abhram was surprised as well, he had no idea, Jiang Ying Yue's mental energy was so abundant and so powerful.

She didn't even practice much but she could already perform telekinesis.

That was excellent!

He immediately felt that he has made the right choice in making her practice Acranium. With her potential Abhram was very sure that Jiang Ying Yue would be able to achieve the highest realm of Acranium.

When Jiang Ying Yue was standing there motionless in her unconscious state Murong Jing suddenly sprinted toward Jiang Ying Yue with all his might.

He must bring that boy back to the clan!

Murong Jing was determined. The fact that this boy was even more powerful than Nangong Ruyi was clear as day given how he had even broken the restraining crystal.

Now, bringing Nangong Ruyi was no longer that important but he must bring back this boy to their clan.

Murong Jing thought that with her condition Jiang Ying Yue wouldn't be able to react in time, however, even before he could get closer Jiang Ying Yue's soulless dark eyes stared straight at him.

And the next moment he felt a large illusionary hand lift him up in the air by the neck.

Jiang Ying Yue felt that she was completely cut off from her surrounding.

There was only one voice and one word that kept ringing beside her ears.

Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill!

Yes, kill them all!

Whoever lays their hands on her loved ones shall perish forever from this world.


Murong Jing's whole body exploded within a matter of seconds. And Murong Jing didn't even get to scream.

' Aaahhh, young master!"

Murong Jing's terrified scream resonated in the air but they could only watch helplessly as blood splattered all over the ground.

They had already turned useless, so there was no way they could think of getting any revenge. Let alone getting revenge they weren't even sure if the little devil would even be merciful enough to spare them.

They ran and fled for their lives with this thought.

However, current Jiang Ying Yue wasn't in her right she killed whoever she caught and didn't even care about whether someone escaped.

This scene was comparable to hell.

As Abhram had to guard Nangong Ruyi he couldn't follow and could only watch his master's blood-lust and madness.

And honestly, he was really shocked. He never knew that Jiang Ying Yue was a blood-lusty person because after spending so much time with her he could tell that their master hated blood very much and refrained from killing.

Even when she killed a beast, she wouldn't raise her hand unless it was extremely necessary.

Abhram's emotions were very complex and he seemed faintly worried.

" Master!...."

From a far distance, Abhram saw Jiang Ying Yue crash into the ground and completely lose her conscious.

Far away, in the Land Of No Bounds,

A small lamp among the rows of such lamps suddenly went out shocking the person who was watching the room.

The man was pale as he ran out in hurry to report this to the clan elders.