The Bai Family Is Only So-So

Ever since Wei Mo got to know of his master's little sweetheart's identity his heart was not at ease. He was very unsettled.

It was said that the First Miss of Jiang Mansion was a hot-tempered and stubborn tyrant who seemed to seek pleasure in fights and dueling. There had been many of the younger generations of upper-class aristocrats who ate defeat out of her hands. However, this was obviously not something the reason for his concern.

What kept gnawing on his mind and ate away his peace was the complicated relationship, Miss Jiang shared with the crown prince.

From the way his Lord behave Wei Mo could tell that his Lord cared very much about the young lady otherwise no amount of favors could have moved him and even make him serve her personally.

There must be something!

Wei Mo believed his gut instinct.

Although his Lord had long given up on his emotions there was no telling, maybe his Lord's situation wasn't that bad, and perhaps he wasn't completely devoid of them and could still feel reminisce of some of those complex bitter-sweet emotions.

Wei Mo wasn't certain nor did he have the guts to inquire about this.

But, anyway, he was sure that Miss Jiang was an important existence to his Lord. Since it was the case he would do his job well and keep an eye on this treasure for the lord.

Previously, Wei Mo was very apprehensive fearing that Miss Jiang might still hold some adoration for the crown prince leaving his Lord alone in the dump.

If that happened it would be a one-sided game. His Lord would be too pitiful but now seeing the scene unfold Wei Mo realized that he had thought too much.

The way Miss Jiang showed disdain and disgust and even used the term 'broken shoe' Wei Mo let go of his tense nerves. Now he was completely at ease.

Her expression didn't look fake. She was really disgusted.

From the way he could see Miss Jiang had a domineering personality. She wasn't the type who was keen on sharing her personal belongings much less when it came to her man.

Her man was only hers to keep.

Well, then he could just sit at ease and enjoy.

Because Xiao Tingfei was indeed a broken shoe after losing his innocence to multiple women even before he reached adulthood if that was what Miss Jiang meant.

On the other hand, his innocent Lord was truly innocent and squeaky clean not even having a female mosquito by his side to accompany him all these years. The lonely nights they spent with their Lords gazing at the stars in the lonesome night could be the proof.

Understanding the whole scenario Wei Mo rejoiced for his lord.

His Lord still had a chance.

Xiao Tingfei's handsome face looked ashen with rage as his eyes burned like the fire of hell cursing people to burn in the fire of damnation. He was burning within and out.

He was furious beyond measure.

How dare...How dare she?!

A puny, useless thing that he had discarded how dare she look down on him?!

Xiao Tingfei was tempted very much to strangle the insolent b*tch to death if not for his insistence on preserving his kind image for the public.

The crowd was also caught off by her acerbic remark, they felt that they had to give it to her for her bluntness and boldness.

The girl sure was too courageous, she even dared to call the crown prince of the nation a pair of broken shoes.

This was indeed Jiang Zemin's daughter, at this young age she was already so rebellious.

What else wouldn't she dare to do?

With that mighty courage next time she might as well ascend to the heavens to slaughter the Gods.

Nevertheless, the crowd was also a bit confused by the development of the situation. Things weren't progressing as they had anticipated.

However, what does it matter as long as they get to watch the show, whether it was a martial fight or a harem fight anything was fine.

The most confused one in this fiasco was none other than Kang Yongnian and his. Didn't they come to seek justice? How did it end up becoming a fight between concubines?

Both father and son suddenly sad for themselves. Especially Kang Yongnian who was still injured and needed urgent medical attention.

Bai Ya was so angry that she was about to pass out.

This b*tch was calling the Crown Prince the broken shoes, didn't it mean that she was also covertly mocking her for fancying the b*tch's broken shoes?

After all, who didn't know Xiao Tengfei was Jiang Ying Yue's fiance once?

" B*tch, how dare you?! You are courting death!!" Bai Ya didn't bother caring about the grace and elegance of a noble lady as with a hideous face she lunged forward at Jiang Ying Yue to tear her apart.

However, Jiang Ying Yue nimbly dodged to the side with a raise of a brow, " I heard that the Bai family was a big aristocratic family, the family must be strict in teaching the younger generation, however, now looking at Miss Bai's demeanor it seems like I expected too much. "

Then sighed with some regret, " The Bai family is only so-so." who did she think she was calling her a b*tch at every turn when she herself was a world-class lecher?!

Jiang Ying Yue pouted.

Bai Ya's rage soared to the extent that she felt like puking blood, this presumptuous b* dare she?!

With her boiling rage, Bai Ya unleashed her Qi.

Strong spiritual Qi of Martial Green advanced stage erupted from her body.

Despite the brewing anger Bai Ya couldn't help feeling smug.

She wanted everyone to see what her real strength was.

Those defeated guards from earlier were merely some cultivators below Martial Yellow rank, however, she was different.

Furthermore, she had already defeated her once in the past. There was no way the b*tch would stand any chance against her now that she was already useless.

Xiao Tengfei's eyes were cold and sarcastic as he watched on from the sideline. He didn't step in.

Since that ugly monster dared to insult him she must be taught a lesson. As long as she wasn't dead his imperial father won't blame anything.

Moreover, if he wasn't wrong his imperial father had the same intention. He intended to use Bai Ya to subdue this ugly monster.

He didn't know why his father's concern but he must have his reason otherwise there was no his let allow this ugly monster to enter the capital.

That idiot Jiang Ying Yue wasn't capable of doing all this it must be her mother. That woman must have something on his imperial father. That was the only reason his imperial father acted so cautiously.

Everything happened within a matter of seconds.

By the time the duel ended, Bai Ya was already beaten black and blue.

Xiao Tengfei: "!!!!!", who was waiting to see the ugly monster crushed.

Bai Ya stared at Jiang Ying Yue with her eyes bulging in horror. she?...

Then her gaze slowly moved and landed on her visible palm that had yet to retract the faint turquoise glow.


Bai Ya shook her head refusing to believe.

Wasn't she rendered useless after their last battle?

How come the b*tch could suddenly cultivate and was even able to achieve such high cultivation?

That was turquoise blue, that b*tch must be at least Martial Blue Initial stage.

Bai Ya suddenly felt suffocated, besides anger her heart was also filled with jealousy.

How could this b*tch, her defeated opponent be better than her?!

No, no, she refused to accept this!

" Miss Bai, it's useless glaring at me. Why don't look at your fiance who looks so unbothered even when you got hurt for him?" Jiang Ying Yue's words were just too provocative, she was openly sowing discord.

However, despite knowing the fact Bai Ya was still provoked especially when she saw Xiao Tengfei standing there watching everything unfold like a mere bystander.

She was too pissed.

Xiao Tengfei: "....." How come he was shot when was lying down?

He really didn't mean it he was just too shocked to react.

Being faced with the accusing glare of his fiancee he was still quick to react, " You...Ya'er, don't listen to her nonsense, she's just jealous! Are you okay? Let me see where you hurt!" His adoration-filled eyes were full of concern.

He couldn't help it this woman was his ancestor!

His stable position depended on her.

Seeing his attitude Bai Ya's attitude softened but she still pouted and averted his touch to show that she wasn't that easy to coax.

However, Xiao Tengfei still pestered her with a doting and helpless look.

Watching their sweet and sticky interaction Jiang Ying Yue nearly puked.

Weren't these guys too fake?

And what you mean by jealous?!

Jiang Ying Yue still recalled the sticky 'Ya'er' from earlier felt goosebumps.

Thank you, but she couldn't handle such relation.

If her lover called her like that she might as well not see him for a half a year.

Now that Xiao Tengfei had managed to calm her anger Bai Ya suddenly remembered the main culprit and her eyes grew poisonous as she directed her gaze at her personal guard.

The guard had been following her since she was young he immediately understood what his master wanted.


Getting her command, with his sword in his hand, he leaped forward at that very instant.

Understanding, the meaning behind his action the Yue Mei guards immediately left the Kang father-and-son, rushing over to protect her.

Both sides fought fiercely, with Jiang Ying Yue's side showing a slight disadvantage.

Although, Bai Ya's guard wasn't a Martial Violet rank practitioner he had achieved the rank of Martial Indigo while the Yue Mei guards were mostly stuck in Martial Green.

From the look of it the disparity didn't seem much but it was actually quite huge. And it was only the case when they achieved the rank artificially by feeding on peels and herbs without much training.

Those guys didn't have a solid foundation, so their ability was pretty limited.

But still, one vs ten was pretty impressive.

The fight grew intense the dust and rubble flew the crowd gathered around fled in panic.

Those who were enough gutsy and wanted to watch retreated back far to watch the show.

Frowning, not pleased with the situation Bai Ya grew impatient, and was about to send rest of the guards as well when a dark figure swooped in.