Caught Eavesdropping

Jiang Ying Yue rubbed her forehead trying to suppress the headache before she took a deep breath and explained, " Stop crying. You guys are thinking too much, nothing really happened. It's all a misunderstanding."

" We know, we know, Miss, how you feel..." Qiu and Niu sobbed even more pitifully.

Jiang Ying Yue: "...."

Did these two even hear what she said?

" Oh, right....Miss, what did you say just now? Who is standing?" Niu asked with a dumb look.

Oh, looks like they did hear some of it.

The night was too long tonight and her palms were itching to hit someone.

Qiu was more sensitive and noticed the subtle change, so she hurriedly elbowed Niu asking her to keep quiet as she recalled the details.

She gasped, " Miss, are you saying that this is a misunderstanding?!... That Master Wei...Master Wei is innocent and we misunderstood him?"

" Yes!" Finally, they were willing to listen.

Jiang Ying Yue nodded, " Since, it's all a misunderstanding there's nothing to speak here. Stop crying and go back to your quarters to sleep. It's annoying!"

She always thought she was a very patient person, it was also one of her personal traits that she was most proud of. Nothing could faze her and that was also the reason she was able to learn so many skills. Apart from Intelligence, it was also her hard work and patience that made her what she is today.

And she thought that it would remain the same. Little did she know her patience was only patient because it hadn't met its match yet. finally met its 'worthy' opponent.

" Really, Miss?"

The duo gulped and asked. They looked skeptical, they still didn't dare to believe they had ended up committing such a huge folly.

They have clearly heard everything. Then...then...

What should they do now?

Did they really mishear things?

Now who should they believe?

" Yes, do I look like lying to you?" This was so awkward that Jiang Ying Yue looked slightly agitated.

After all, she would be lying if she said nothing happened. However, she was a bit confused and didn't know how to think of this situation. Therefore, it resulted in her awkwardness.

Upon seeing their master's agitated state the duo immediately shook their heads like rattling drums.

Even though, they had their doubts and suspicions they were too timid and didn't dare bring it up even though they were dying from curiosity.

It was better to be deaf than dead: they chanted the slogan and decided to retreat obediently.

With this thought, they bowed and said, " Miss, then this servant will take her leave."

Jiang Ying Yue didn't even glance at them and hurriedly waved.

" Alright. Then hurry up and leave." She looked as if she was about to explode, however, she thought of something and paused for a moment, " Oh, right. Whatever happened tonight was a big misunderstanding. Since that's a misunderstanding, this matter ends here. There's no need to mention it to others. Do you understand?"

" You know what to say and what not to?"

She didn't want to be embarrassed and awkward for no reason.

Hearing her stern voice the duo was confused but they still nodded obediently.

Don't ask, the malevolent aura around their Miss was just too scary!

They also somewhat understood there was definitely something going on between their Miss and Master Wei. Moreover, it looked like Miss didn't want others to know about it.

Since that's the case they could only pretend to be confused. They were just lowly servants. No matter how well their Miss treated them they should know their place and not overstep their boundary.

" Yes, Miss, this servant understands."

Jiang Ying Yue was finally satisfied and gestured for them to leave.

The duo shot each other a look and picked up the bowls and trays, " Miss, have a good rest." Then, left in a hurry as if being chased by a ghost.

Oh, God! That was so close!

They didn't know what was wrong with their Miss but her temper seemed abnormal tonight.

The duo left so quickly that they didn't even see the huddled shadows at the corner near the entrance of the tent.

" Little Mei, let's go back. If your sister caught us here we won't have a good ending." Tian Lan glanced at the entrance of the tent and whispered anxiously to her partner in crime.

Jiang Ying Mei aka her partner in crime also looked quite nervous and immediately nodded in a hurry, " Yes, Sister Lanlan, my sister's senses are sharper than a dog's." And she knew her elder sister's temper best.

If they were caught no matter how much they pleaded or argued it would be useless.

Hearing her comparing her elder sister with a dog Tian Lan's lips twitched slightly, however, she also agreed.

" Sister Lanlan, I have implicated you." If it wasn't for her curiosity sister Tian Lan wouldn't have dragged into this. She had already proposed to leave it was she who was curious and wanted to hear more.

Jiang Ying Mei felt extremely guilty.

Nevertheless, Tian Lan didn't think so. Honestly, she was also to blame. She was also curious and wanted to know more. It was just that she was the older one here and couldn't be so insensible.

" Don't blame yourself, I was curious too." Even if they were caught and taught a lesson they could only blame themselves. Tian Lan held the little girl's hand to provide some comfort only to realise that they were cold. Her heart ached for the little girl. She held them between her slightly larger palms to warm them with her spiritual qi.

Since the duo was doing something shady they were especially guilty and nervous.

They knew they shouldn't have eavesdropped but wasn't there a saying that 'curiosity killed the cat'?

That's right, now they were that cat: the cat that was about to be killed.

They heard something they shouldn't have heard and their curiosity was piqued. Who could they blame?

If it was another time they would long barged in when they heard their sister(friend) was bullied. However, now the situation was that first, they didn't have the guts since they had done something wrong, and second, was the same reason: they were scared.

Since Jiang Ying Yue had already warned her maids to not spread the word that meant that she didn't want anyone to know about it. However, they had heard it all. They couldn't imagine the consequences if Jiang Ying Yue knew about them. It was sure she wouldn't kill them but lives would definitely get worse.

So all in all, it was the best decision for them to leave at once before Jiang Ying Yue caught them.

As the duo prayed vehemently for their lives they slowly stood up planning to leave the courtyard as soon as possible.

However, the Heavens weren't that merciful and always had a plan of its own.

The duo felt something tap lightly on their shoulders then,

" Hmm, the moon indeed looks beautiful tonight but it's almost midnight. I don't think you guys are out here to take a stroll, right?"

The eerie voice on such a cold and deep night scared the duo to the extent they jumped in fright.

They were completely shocked and afraid, and then their whole body grew stiff as they mechanically moved their heads like robots and turned to face the person standing behind them.

" What's wrong? Did your bodies get stiff after squatting for so long?" The voice was faint and her tone was obviously nonchalant, however, Tian Lan and Jiang Ying Mei felt that it was a call from hell.

" Big-big-sister...."

" Yue-yue-yue...."

The expression on the duo's face was almost identical.

They widened their eyes in shock.

Oh, no, they were finished!

Their bodies twitched and fidgeted not knowing what to say next.

Tian Lan, who was much older and had more experience soon regained her composure and restrained her expression. She put on a smile and added a hint of surprise to her face and said, " Oh, Yueyue, you woke up! It's good that you are awake we were worried sick about you."

Then a hint of genuine concern flashed across her face as she continued to ask, " Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? And what are standing here you outside? Aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

Upon hearing that Jiang Ying Mei also suddenly grew anxious, afraid that her elder sister would get sick again after standing outside in the cold. She forgot all about her previous nervousness and stopped fidgeting.

She immediately stepped forward to hold her elder sister's hand, urging her to head inside her tent.

Seeing their genuine care and concern Jiang Ying Yue felt both warm and helpless. With that, the dark aura around her dissipated immediately.

Forget it, she would let them off this time.

" Big sister, how many times do I have to tell you to take care of yourself? But you just don't listen!" With both hands on hips and a big pout, Jiang Ying Mei nagged her sister endlessly like a furious old grandma.

On the other hand, Tian Lan stood at the side, gloating over Jiang Ying Yue as she snickered secretly and echoed, " Yes, Yueyue, you can't be so careless when it concerns your health. You know how big of a fright you gave us when you fainted suddenly without any rhyme or reason." This she wasn't lying.

They were really scared at that time.

Jiang Ying Yue also knew that but she was still amused.

These two...

Weren't they working too hard to cover up their shady action?

That's right. That was what the duo was working for.

Although their concern and care for her was real, they also had their ulterior motive. They were working together, trying to shift her focus so that she'd forget about their mistake.

However, how could that be possible?

Did they take her for a three-year-old kid that was easy to fool?

With a faint smile she nodded seriously and said, " Yes, it's indeed my mistake." Then she put on a helpless look and sighed before she continued, " I also wanted to get a good rest but who asked my senses to be sharper than a dog's? I just don't know who was chattering so loudly, I couldn't sleep with all that noise."


It was a pin-drop, awkward silence.

Jiang Ying Mei, who was about to point and continue froze with a stiff expression while Tian Lan scratched her nose looking awkward. She didn't dare meet Jiang Ying Yue's gaze. She wanted to find a crack and hide.

Sigh, they knew this plan would fail.