True Colors

Nina came out of her room, hoping to see Theodore somewhere among the men who were all sitting around the bonfire and chatting mostly about the war.

Noticing her, General Killian came to her.

"Do you need anything?" he asks as she stands there alone.

"No, I just came out for some fresh air," Nina lied.

"Where is Theodore?" he asks.

"He said, he's going out to meet someone," she answers.

"Why don't you join us?" General Killian welcomed which is kind of surprising. When the first time she saw him, he looked intimidating.

"No, thank you for asking," she politely refused.

"Let me introduce you to everyone," General Killian got his men's attention.

"She's the wife of our beloved crown prince,"

They all see her for the first time and with the look on their faces, she can understand Theodore is highly respected among them.

"Nice to meet you, your highness," the soldiers said.

"Nice to meet you all," Nina smiles.

"I should go back. You all continue your good time," she waves her hand. Nina is kind of shy around all these men. It would have been great if Sylvia was here. She answered that she was not well when Nina asked what happened, seeing her dull face while having dinner.

She must be taking rest and even Jian too, Nina thought.

Nina is tired too, but she can't sleep without knowing where her husband is. He said he will be late for supper, but it's too late now. Worries weighing her shoulders, Nina walked into her room. She's drawn to the sight of the Full Moon and she stands by the window watching the compelling brightness.

Her memories traveled back to the month from now. That was the day she met Theodore for the first time. He has vanished from all these people on that night and no one knows what happened to him on that day except her. And now again, he's vanished on this full moon day. What might be the reason? And he's dealing with it in secret?

Why is this so strange? Nina wondered.

There are so many nonsensical questions clouding her mind, but she knows her crazy thoughts are never coming true, so she didn't pay attention to also crazy voices on her head and headed to her room. But the funniest, yet bothering question she has on her mind is 'what if he's having a love affair with someone else and to hide that he just married her for the namesake'

No, stop being ridiculous, Nina huffs and stumbles on her bed. She decided to be awake until Theodore comes back, but there's no sign of him and her sleep took over her soon.

The next morning when she opened her eyes, Nina saw Theodore sleeping next to her. The sunbeam through the curtains dangled over his bare skin. His face is calm, the warm breath on her skin and their proximity made her feel like she's dreaming.

This is a dream, it must be? That's why he looks so lovely. Nina thought with a small smile. To disturb this peaceful moment, Theodore opened his eyes. They stared at each other for a moment and Nina is the one to break it by shifting her gaze.

Theodore couldn't control his smile, heaving a sigh.

Nina turned to the other side, feeling shy. She hoped Theodore would do the same, but that's the wrong assumption she made about him. He went close to her and hugged her from behind.

Startled, Nina tried to take off his hand, but he firmly held her against his firm chest.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"Don't fight, please," he whispered near her ears.

She relaxed and let him embrace her. She couldn't sleep anymore, but it seems Theodore is enjoying this moment with her. His steady breath told her that.

They were silent and the chirping sounds of birds filled the room on that beautiful morning. Nina wondered where was he all night and when did he come back?

"I have to go?" Nina said.

"Can't you let me be like this?" Theodore asks in sleep.

"You can sleep, just let me go,"

"I want you here," he made that clear.

Moments later, Nina asked, "Why?"

Theodore tightened his grip, "I like to hold you this way. It makes me feel less lonely," he answered.

That was quite an answer, Nina smiles and didn't ask anything anymore until he left her go.

They finally had a moment to talk after finishing their breakfast, but he's in a rush to leave.

"When did you come back last night?" she asks.

"I don't know, but you were asleep when I returned. I didn't disturb your sleep," he said. Nina nods.

"You said you are going to meet someone, who's that?" Nina finally came to that question.

"Someone I know," he answered, not looking at her eyes.

"Why are you giving a vague answer, can't you give me a name?"

Theodore turned to her and from his look, she can understand that he's irritated.

"I don't have to tell you everything," he answered. Whenever he shows off his arrogant side, like she's just like one of his servants and shouldn't question him for anything, she wanted to yell at him. But he wants her to obey him every minute. What a bad attitude he got? Nina frowns.

"You have to tell me because I am living with you. I left my home, and left the peaceful life to be here with you," she retorted.

"Oh," he clenched his jaw. "Think whatever you want, but you can't get a word out of this mouth. Stop being too nosy and I really hate this attitude of yours," he confronted.

Nina got so furious, "And I hate your attitude too," she retorted which took him in surprise.

He made her feel that she's indeed that kind of nosy person, she's not snooping in others' business but with him. He's her husband, but he acts like he's a stranger to her. She hates this situation with all her heart. He misunderstood her character in every single way; how could she even live with someone who couldn't understand her. How long this relationship will even last?

Theodore left a mocking chuckle and that hurt her pride.

"Know your place, Nina. Before raising your voice to me," he warned and broke one of his vows. He promised to treat her equally, but now he put her down.

Doesn't he have any guilt at all? Nina thought with tears welled in her eyes. He's hyping her suspicion that he's having an affair. Her brain couldn't think of any other possible situation. But if that's not the reason then he has some serious trust issue with her.

Without remorse, Theodore walked out of the room, and Nina stumbles on the bed. Yesterday he was different, this morning he's sweet and now he shows off his rude side. Is this his true colors?

She didn't know what to believe -the words he said this morning that he feels less lonely when she's beside her? Or he couldn't stand the sight of her whenever she crosses the line he has drawn.