Message from The Palace (1)

The storm ceased the next morning, yet the weather stayed the same. Nina came out of her room to get her tea as she expected Sylvia would come but she hasn't showed up. Seeing her in the living room, Jian went to talk to her. 

"Morning greetings, my lady," 

"Good morning, Jian. Please call me Nina," 

Jian nods, "Why couldn't I see you yesterday? Sylvia and I were expecting you would come," she asks. 

"Uh?" Nina blushes. "It's so cold so I stayed in my room," 

"Oh, I see. I hope  you had a great time," Jian teased. 

"Yes," Nina shrugs.

"And why are you limping? Are you hurt?"

"Yes, I sprained my feet the other day. It's nothing," Nina nodded and Jian's eyes were trying to find a clue and she found that on Nina's wrist. Even though Nina's dress is hiding what's under the sleeve, the white dressing is clearly visible. Jian didn't ask how she got injured and watched her closely.