Aftermath (3)

Sargon woke from the faint when he heard a child's muffles. He opened his eyes, and the bright sun was too much for his dull eyes. He slowly adapted by blinking until he could see where he was. 

He's lying on the bed in his old house and he rises in surprise. 

He groaned as his head throbbed in pain from his sudden movement and the bright ambiance irritated him. How he ended up here and who saved him were the first thoughts that came to his mind. 

The house is so vibrant and the afternoon sunshine is peering through all the cracks and windows of the house. 

He turned to look at his daughter, she was awake and gazing back at him. She looked healthy and cute and made him smile. He reached out his hand to hold her but he stopped thinking, is this real? If yes, my wife and my precious son, where are they?" he thought and looked at the empty house.