Came across Horror (1)

At the same time, Alice stepped out of the chamber. She walked in the direction of her own chamber, however, her heart wasn't at ease.

All she felt were thousands of unstable emotions surfacing and replaying in her mind like a reel, 'The way Flora reacted..didn't seem appropriate..'

'Is she planning something? But her confident body language and her past actions are contrasting…' Alice gulped the saliva present in her mouth.

Her mind revolved all around their talks, trying hard to find any mischievous expressions which might have missed her eyes.

Unfortunately, she didn't and it was making her head spin in rounds.

She was holding a lantern in her hand, which had a fire lit inside it. With the help of the same, she was able to walk in the corridor of this vast palace.

There was pure darkness around, except the moon rays falling in some parts of the palace. No one can deny this was the most terrific time to step out and Alice had started to realize this when she found it difficult to find the way.

"Wait….did I come here from there?" puzzledness started tracing her mind when she went to face two different corridors, each leading to two different paths.

Which was she supposed to take?

Her eyes averted to one path, to see darkness at the end of it. She couldn't even see a bit of the gate.

Then, she saw the path, which had few lights but it made her unsure if this was the right way to her own chamber or not.

'Probably. I should take this light-'

Her thoughts clashed when from the corner of her eye, she caught someone moving, in the darkest path which she earlier saw.

Her eyes narrowed when she tried to peek while extending her hand to bring the lantern in the darkness, "Who is there!? Tell me right now!"

No reply.

Except for her own echoed voice, she heard no sound making her wonder if this was simply her own illusion?

"Maybe I'm tired after today's horse ride.." that was all that Alice concluded to satisfy herself.

In the end, when she brought her foot ahead, to start walking, her eyes once again felt someone moving, and this time, with the wood of fire in someone's hand.

There was a light that caught her eyes, and this entirely made her wonder if someone was trying to play a joke with her or someone else?

"See, if someone is there, tell me immediately! If I find you out myself, it won't be any good!" Alice once again said aloud, however, there wasn't any proper silence, nor a clear answer. A noise of someone crying entered her ears, turning her lips into a straight line.

Despite knowing the darkness around, Alice doesn't find it hard to hold herself back from stepping in that corridor.

Her legs made their own way, without coordination with her mind, "WHO IS THERE??"

"I'm Princess Alice. If you're here, trying to scare anyone, then the consequences won't be good!" Alice continuously said when she walked deeper into the darkness with the only source of light, and that was her own lighted lamp.

The walls were similar to that of the resting palace. Her legs moved, following the sound of the cries. Yet out of the blue, they stopped, making her halt in the middle of her own steps.

With no light, no one around, Alice found it weird, 'Is this Vampire's new trick to kill us and suck our blood out of our body?'

Unwillingly, she clutched the strip of her shawl. She bit her lower lip when she sensed something….someone was behind her.

Looking from the top of her shoulders, she found nothing. Her face slightly turned pale.

Turning around, she found it vacant except for the darkness that filled the surroundings. 'Maybe there's no one. I shouldn't have come here..'

Her intuition worked in the wrong way, and knowingly, she wanted to walk back from where she came.

However, this was solely her wish because next, she saw someone at a certain distance, covered with black cloth from top to bottom, holding a firestick in one's hand.

The light from one's stick made her wonder who the person there was with the Black clothes and no face!?!.


To her dismay, the person turned around on their left, when Alice ran to the end of the lobby. She took left, following the black-clothed person while keeping her lamp in one hand and her other hand holding her dress from her waist.

She wanted to catch the person who was doing nothing but playing tricks with her.

But this wasn't the only thing that filled her mind because she hoped this to be just a vampire trick.

'I Will disclose this vampire in front of the council..' If she was successful in doing so, the Vampire Lord will be ashamed to death!

Alice ran behind the black-colored person. Whenever she felt that she was in the way of getting the hold of the person, he or she would take left or right, making her run around.

It was exhausting, making her breath almost reach her heart where she had to hold herself from not letting herself fall unconscious.

At last, when Alice was ready to hold the person's cloth, the person disappeared somewhere.

She caught nothing in her hand when she stared at her fingers as if they felt like touching something, but it was all intangible.

A feather, which disappeared into the thick air without coming in contact with her.

Closing her fingers, Alice looked around her but the darkness never faded.

To her surprise, when she moved a little ahead, taking a few steps, with the lantern in her hands, she found a path. A downstairs path.

It was a crisscrossing way, where her heart was feeling unsettled about the entire situation she had landed herself in.

There were stairs, made of rock. The downstairs path seemed to be listed with the firestick on top of that. But this new way was out of her expectation.

'Should I go down or… go back?'