Interested in Alice!

Hearing this, King Almen felt the tightness around his chest. Not only that, King Vilas could feel the pressure on his shoulders.

The entire power was now given in the hands of no one else but Prince Cyrus, who was always against him. His words were the most specific explanation of the same and even Alice, who stood outside, had the intuition that this vampire will take the step which will not be in favor of them. 

Subconsciously, her hands were converted into one, when she prayed to her God, to not let anything happen to her Kingdom. She was willing to be a component of the sacrifice for her motherland and for her people but, ruining it in the hand of vampires? 

She knew that they would transform them from human to vampire, creating a situation of the massacre in their empire. 

Everyone's breath was held in their lungs when everyone's eyes were averted to see the cold-hearted Vampire Prince, who didn't let his emotions be carried away.