Drinking blood!

"P-prince Alex..doesn't need to do that for me. I think the servants are compatible to serve me. You shall enjoy your own meal.." Princess Alice muttered in between her breath, enough for him to listen. 

She was solid with her wings and statement, as her eyes glowed with aloof glint. On the other hand, Prince Cyrus was annoyed. 

The lines traced on his forehead when he replied back, "I see that my younger brother is too much concerned for his sister-in-law.."

"Obviously! She is new here and married you.."

"Married to me, not you," Cyrus repeated the same words, trying to put the pressure that the lady beside him was his wife, not his. 

There was no need for him to actually try to act as if he cared. "I can help her if she wishes to. You don't need to interfere with my matters.. Look upon yourself.."