Tricks of Kingdom!

Princess Alice never tore her gaze from the Queen. It was as if she had come across anyone, who was literally thinking for her betterment.

If all the expressions on the faces were supposed to be true, till now, Alice would have strongly believed that this lady was in her favor. 

However, she wasn't in any other world either. In the back, she had already made an opinion for this Queen of the Kingdom, and that wasn't in a positive sense. 

But without letting her spark fade away, Alice muttered, "Queen Of Gazelle Kingdom can rest assured. I don't expect love and affection from this Alliance."

"That is very well because you won't be getting that. Keep your expectation lower and yourself away from that vampire because he will try his best to have you." It was the Queen who had a change of plans. 

She knew that if both of them mate, it will be to her advantage. After all, Prince Cyrus's curse will surely break and it will be a joyous moment for her.