Harming Lady Aura!

"What the hell?!!?" 

Alice's mind switched instantly when she ran out of the chamber at the lightning speed.  It made their breath halt in the middle as their eyes were as wide as possible. 

Whereas, Cyrus can't be moved for the next few moments. He stayed there, stuck with the light, and gazed at the maid with the evident displeasure in his eyes, "Wh-where is she right now?" 

"In her chamber Prince. I think you should also go with the Princess.." the maid had answered with her trembled eyes, in the hurry to divert their attention. 

And without thinking twice, Cyrus also walked out of the chamber. On the other hand, Alice had reached up to Lady Aura's chamber after asking multiple maids who had guided her and given her the direction. 

Coming and standing at the door of the chamber, her eyes fell on the lady who lay peacefully on the bed with her closed eyes. "Lady Aura.." Mumbling her name under her breath, Alice had stepped into the room.