Dominic's last words!

The words made Alice's heart skip a beat. A blank mind surfaced altogether and she was numb for the next few seconds. But afterward, when Alice Was pulled out from her daze, she blinked her eyes twice, "N-Not enough time? How can that be true!" 

"You are wrong, brother. The priest will treat you. It was simply just a normal illness.." 

"It wasn't. I-It..was..intentionally done" Dominic answered with a rather slow voice, still not able to overcome the weakness in his body. 

Even the paleness was increasing, while he was speaking. There was a doubt that something was up in his body. 

As Alice's mind was still not able to absorb many things too, it was Dominic's voice that pulled her out from the daze once again, " take my life, after me.." 

"W-who, brother? Do you know him?" Alice asked quickly when she captured the hint from his tone that he knows the killer.