Display of powers!

Alice had come back to meet the person, whom her father told her. She followed General Shane and found out that her father wasn't alone. 

In fact, there were two more people with him. Prince Cyrus and another old man,whom she had no familiarity with in her life. 

Holding her shawl very tightly, Alice walked ahead to come by his side. She looked at Cyrus with amused eyes. In response to her gaze, he too passed her a confusion filled sight. 

Returning her head back to see her father, she asked him, "Father, you called me? Is there something serious?" 

Until now, she was facing her father's back. Now, when her father turned, she came across and saw him slightly worried. 

There was a long frown on his forehead. A trace of worry in those glittering eyes. "Alice, I have called him here because there is something he can tell you better."