Killer's daughter!

Alice came back to her chamber with a proud smile. There was no trace of unhappiness in those eyes at all. All that surfaced was the best feeling in the world 

'Now Now..Lady will you escape from my gasp?' She was thankful that Forex helped her. The idea of ghosting Lady Ira was entirely hers. 

Using all the new techniques, she was successful in making Lady Ira scared of her death in the night. The ghost wasn't real either, it was all made up of an illusion which brought the undoubtful fear in Lady Ira's heart. 

The black magic was simply a way to stop Lady Ira from practicing her black magic. Upon learning that the purple substance must have shown its effect, Alice played the game of ghost.

Alice was still not contemptuous. But she had done so, with the hope to get the information, 'A person speaks truth when he or she is afraid. Looks like my test passed..'