Be my second wife!

At the same time, from a certain distance. 

Alice, Kian and Forex saw it all that happened in the sky. They could imagine how Cyrus and King Almen faced a worse battle in the sky and just like that, beneath the floor was shaken. They felt themselves strumming with the thunder.... 

"No..N..." Alice's eyes did view but her heart wasn't ready to absorb what she watched. She didn't crave for anything else except to know whether her husband is well or not. But to be precise, she was clueless what exactly took place, why was there even bash happening? 

But to burst her query, it was Kian who described in her shock state,"Cyrus used the second option, princess." 

Hearing this, Alice turned around to look at Kian with a deep frown look, "W-what second option?"