Groups (7)

              Much to Rina's relief and disappointment of the humans of the group, all the elves in the last part of the northern region were in the shelters. The group increased by four hundred, and it only took two days to gather all of them. During that time, Rina asked them if they had noticed anything weird happening in the last three months. However, there we no flying monsters in the area, and the others never climbed the mountains, so they lived quite the peaceful life… that was good, but they will be hard to train...

"You said that you had to fight a lot until now… were you lying?" Richter asked.

"Another one who has some balls, huh…" Luke furrowed his eyebrows. "You said that you wanted to help, but now you look disappointed that they are fine."

"I am Sorry about this fool's behavior, Luke," Rachel said after she punched Richter's left side.