Distance (3)

            Amanda's group made another trip back home to tell the others what had happened. It was about time for Luke to go as well, but he decided to do it when the nasty scar in his chest disappeared. Magic couldn't do everything. Not even the reinvigorating effects of the level-ups could do either. Still, Rina was healing him whenever possible to make that. 

"I am quite muscular now, huh?" Luke said while Rina was decreasing the size of the scar, he noticed that he had some nice abs.

"Wow, saying that out loud sounds so lame…" Rina said. "What did you expect? You have been fighting quite often recently."

            That made sense. Compared to his previous lifestyle, it was only natural that Luke would get physically stronger. It was only a pity that it didn't happen sooner. Unfortunately, the increase in his status didn't make his muscles bigger.