Chapter twenty-six: Diamond Jozu


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Four days later, in Berr.

At the moment, this island with only a simple town (not a village) was in chaos.

The recruitment of Pierre had brought back a lot of pirates and a lot of bounty hunters. Fighting was, therefore, not uncommon at the moment.

These pirates and bounty hunters were only 'weak' (for the world of One Piece; otherwise, they would be seen as strong or even very strong) who were already struggling to make a name for themselves on West Blue.

There were already 1,000 pirates on the island since Pierre's recruitment announcement.

With so many people, Pierre could only accept the best that was why he let the bounty hunters catch and kill the weaker (pirate).

With this technique, he had already recruited 200 pirates. He hoped to have at least 500 men to create a good foundation on the Grand Line after all 3 of the shishibukais stayed there (Crocodile, Moriah, and Boa Hancock).

Pierre preferred quantity to quality because the more the opponent was numerous, the more people thought twice before acting (against him in this case).

With this reputation, at least 100 pirates arrived every day, which showed that even though he was no more the number 1, his reputation was still consistent.


In a tavern in the city, a tall, muscular man was drinking rum. This person was white despite the traces of dirt that was present on his body. He was discussing with three former captains who had just been recruited.

Pierre only saw the captains because he did not see the point of seeing the average pirates of each group he recruited.

The three captains had an approximate bounty of 25 ~ 35 million Berry, with vice-captains having 5 ~ 15 million Berry.

Pierre paid a lot of attention to the bounty of his subordinates because, for him, the more subordinates with bounty, the more dangerous his crew was.

While the atmosphere was warm between them, a cadre of Pierre's crew entered with a big smile: "Captain, Joz, who has a bounty of 100 million Berry, has just arrived on the island."

"WHAT?" said the three captains in astonishment

"this pirate is here."

Pierre was also amazed, then burst out laughing and said: "Perfect!"

Pierre was furious to learn that Joz had a bigger bounty than him. If he weren't in a rush to enter and conquer Grand Line, he would have gone to destroy the Diamond Pirates.

But he didn't expect Joz's crew to come straight to the island.

Pierre was happy to see that even Joz was attracted to his recruiting offer.

'With Joz, my fame can only increase,' thought Peter with an increasingly dark and satanic smile.

Pierre had no thought of the possibility that Joz would be present to kill him.


Pierre did not see how killing him would benefit Joz, especially since he could be killed by trying.

The executives around Peter agreed with him and therefore had not prepared for Joz's attacks.

On West Blue, his crew (Pierre) were the kings.

Even though Joz had a bigger bonus, other than his fights against Marc and José, he hadn't done anything so extraordinary.

After all, even Pierre had already beaten Marc before.


{Port of the city of Berr}

Joz's huge ship had just arrived in Port and occupied a relatively large part of the Port compared to Pierre's ships.

As one can imagine, only Pierre's ships were allowed in Port; all other ships had to moor elsewhere on the island.

In addition, Pierre had forbidden any combat near his ships and therefore near the Port. The fights were settled either in the city or in the jungle nearby.


Even though this was the first time many saw such a luxurious ship (the bow made entirely of diamond), they knew that this ship belonged to the man with the highest bounty in West Blue.

Therefore, even if Joz broke the rules, they did not stop him because Joz was the only one who could speak with Pierre on an equal footing.

But in truth, Pierre's men resented Joz for having exceeded Pierre's bounty, but as they (Joz's crew) were there to join them, it put them in a good mood and full of arrogance.

'Even West Blue No.1 joins us'

Everyone thought Joz was there to join Pierre, even the bounty hunters who hoped to team up to kill Joz.

For them, Joz was not as strong as Pierre (Pierre> Joz> Marc).


"is that the diamond crew?"

"Oh, the crazy ship."

"It must be super expensive considering the front."

"It must be a faux diamond. No one would put real diamond on their ship."

The pirates/locals around were shocked and exclaimed about the ship.

Pierre's ship was already huge and extravagant, but compared to Joz's, it was compared a kingdom to an empire.

Especially since the ships were side by side which accentuated the superiority of the Diamond Rusher.

"He's got West Blue's number 1 bounty; why is he here? To join Pierre?"

"I don't think so. Maybe they will ally to sack Grand Line and the Shishibukais."

"Even though Joz has a greater bounty, his reputation on this sea is far less than Pierre."

Joz's arrival made him think a lot about his motivations.

"Look, he got off his ship," pointed a pirate in the direction of Joz.

"Weird, he's more massive and taller than on the wanted poster."

Joz's wanted poster photo was taken just outside Prek's arena. Since then, he had not only taken different pills and liquids, but his temper had wholly changed.

Tak Tak Tak

Joz and his crew got off the ship. Before they could even enter the city, a pirate group from Pierre's crew arrived in front of them.

"Follow me. I'll take you to our leader," said the leader of this group in a somewhat authoritative tone.

"Marcus," said joz in a cold, sinister tone.


Marcus drew his pistol and exploded the latter's head with a single shot.

Marcus was the closest to the rank of the executive in the crew. He had two pistols on either side of his hip and had a permanent smile on his lips. He was one of the slaves recruited by Joz. Still, with the passing of time and the fighting that followed, his self-confidence increased, and he had discovered a natural talent for firearms.


The previously noisy Port vanished immediately with this murder.

Everyone present was shocked to see this.

After all, he was still a member of the blade crew (Pierre).

'So Joz wouldn't be there for the recruitment but to fight?'

The faces of the people who had started to understand what was going on changed, and they decided to leave as soon as possible.

After this murder, dozens of Pierre's crew unsheathed their guns/swords and stared angrily at Joz and his crew.

"Bastards! What have you done!"

"You want to fight against us."

"your bounty have given you too much arrogance, Joz."

"The honor of our crew is at stake, guys. We're going to get them."

Without even waiting for Joz's order, Daz drew his sword and rushed towards the blade crew. Marcus picked up his second pistol and was already shooting at the people who seemed to be the best shooters.


"Quickly kill that shooter-"


"Shit ... Daz is coming ... take care of it."


The members with swords rushed at Daz to stop him, but he was far too strong for them. With each blow of the blade, life rose to the heavens.

Daz knew Joz was there for him, so he gave his all.

After drinking the liquid from the systems, he was largely able to fight groups on his own.

Under the astonished gaze of those around, Daz and Marcus eliminated all the pirates who had surrounded them.


Many people knew that Daz was a famous ex-bounty hunter who had killed several big heads but there, what he had just demonstrated was superhuman.

Seeing the outcome of the battle, Joz smiled slightly and walked over to the pirate closest to him and said, "Do you know where I can find Pierre?"

"Uh .. uh ... it's in the town tavern," said the pirate, who was scared to see that Joz had spoken to him.

"Thanks, let's go," Joz said, looking at his crew (of course, he left some men on the ship).

Suddenly someone shouted: "PIERRE IS THERE."

"Hahaha! It looks like we don't need to go get it," Marcus said with a big smile.

At the same time, directly in front of them, the crowd moved aside to let pass a man who had a dark face followed by his men: this man was Pierre.

The blade and diamond crew were opposite each other.

Pierre looked at the bodies of his men grimly and said, "Rookie, it looks like you're not here to join me."

"Join you? Hahahaha ... how did such a stupid idea come to your mind?" Joz replied, laughing.

Hearing this rather haughty response, Pierre's face darkened even more, and he cried with fury: "DON'T BE SO ARROGANT, YOU ARE JUST A ROOKIE."

"And so, I have the biggest bounty because I'm the strongest, that's all. Your lack of power is the reason I passed you," Joz replied with disdain.

"You think you're stronger than me, kid," Pierre said with a sinister smile.

"Sure," Joz announced, nodding his head.

"VERY GOOD," cried Pierre, rushing towards Joz.


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