Chapter twenty-nine: Diamond Jozu


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As soon as Joz boarded his ship, he went to its treatment room and gave the fruit of Pierre to Daz, who was still lying with bandages here and there.

After listening to Daz's injury analysis, Joz came out of the infirmary and went to the ship's deck to see the situation in town, well, what's left of it.

In the city's ruins, the fights between pirates and bounty hunters still raged even if the pirates lost more and more ground.

Joz's men took advantage of the chaos to steal Pierre and the other local people (inhabitants, bounty hunters, pirates, bandits, etc ...).

You could see that on joz's ship, his men were bringing in a lot of treasure to the point where much of the ship's treasury was full.

"David," called Joz, looking at the chaos in town.

"Yes, my captain," he replied hastily.

"Heading for the Grand Line mountain," announced Joz with a smile on his face.

"Good, my captain."

And yes, just like Marcus or Pouis, David was also one of the slaves captured and locked in the arena of Prek (the arena where Joz's story began). Unlike Marcus, David was not yet used to large-scale battles and always had his shy side. If Marcus was the closest to being an executive, David was certainly the farthest. He wasn't really in the fight and preferred to stay on the ship. If it hadn't been because he was pretty good at navigating, Joz would undoubtedly have fired him. After all, who wants an unnecessary subordinate?

You could see the excitement in his eyes (David) but also the pressure. He had studied a lot during his time with Joz to sail the Grand Line seas, but it was still a huge load.

After all, he was just a simple fisherman captured by the Bena family to become a gladiator.


Everyone watched the Diamond Rusher leave the island at the port towards another horizon. Their arrival did not bring anything positive to the island. It was even quite the opposite:

The island was in ruins.

The bounty hunters were fighting to catch the most significant bounties.

The bandits took the opportunity to steal everything.

Which had not been taken by Joz and his crew, the pirates were hiding and trying, by all means, to escape from the island. The inhabitants were mere insects in the face of all these forces.

Now they all understood why Joz had such a big bounty, and he wasn't just strong. He also had a mighty crew.

'Judging by their pace and direction, they are heading towards the Grand Line,' thought several educated people.

West Blue had just lost its two rulers, and now this sea will again be controlled by the mafias and the navy.

Everyone was eager to see how Joz was going to do on the Grand Line. After all, even if we brought all the seas together, none could come close to the Grand Line: Crocodile, Moriah, Boa Hancock, the Vice Admirals, CP1-9, etc ..... All of this showed that this first part of the Grand Line would be challenging for Joz and his crew.


The death of Pierre by Joz had unsurprisingly shocked West Blue once again.

The name 'Diamond Pirate' had again spread throughout the West Blue Sea.


[2 days later]

The Diamond Rusher was a few dozen kilometers from the entrance to the Grand Line.

Daz could be seen training with his fruit on the ship's deck. He was trying to be as familiar as possible with his fruit and merge his mastery of the blade with his fruit.

And yes, Daz had decided to stop using his blades to fight. Now his body could do the same in a more natural, easy, flexible, and unexpected way.

David and the others looked at Daz longingly; they all wanted to acquire devil fruit and have such power.

Although they trained every day to get stronger, they were fed up with the long and hard training. They all wanted to have a quick and efficient power up.

Who wouldn't want to get strong with the snap of a finger?

All the more so since they rarely participated in significant fights, they were chores on the ship.


Joz, meanwhile, was reading the newspaper and frowning more and more.

In this newspaper, Joz had just acquired a title. Usually, most solid and famous pirates had titles like Pierre the 'Slender Blade' or Rayleigh the 'Dark Lord', but Joz's was not that amazing.

Joz wished he could invent and distribute his title even if he currently didn't have one in mind.

Now its title was: 'Diamond Claws.'

Joz thought the title was inferior: 'those who nicknamed me must hate me for inventing such a nickname,' he thought.

This title came from the fact that no one could escape his grip, no matter what.

"Well, we'll have to deal with it, hoping we can change it later," Joz whispered to himself.

He had plans and knew that if all went according to plan, he could change that stupid nickname and create a cooler, darker one.

"The captain doesn't like his title," Robin asked with a smirk. She was sitting next to him drinking a cup of tea while also reading the newspaper.

"No, they look like the bad guy titles in the stories," Joz said with a sigh.

"I think 'the invincible wall' will be better," Robin replied.


Joz had forgotten that despite her excellent knowledge, Robin had terrible tastes.


The Diamond Rusher sailed a bit more, and you could see that the previously blue sky had suddenly turned cloudy.

The sea's surface was no longer stable and rippled tremendously as if giant creatures were moving under these waves.

"BEWARE OF A THUNDERSTORM APPROACHING" shouted David, who held the rudder firmly.

David was a remarkable navigator; After all, after so many years at sea, only morons wouldn't understand the ocean and these changes.

Joz looked at the sky, got up, jumped onto the boat's bow (the diamond part), and saw that a giant shadow covered the surroundings.

The weather and ocean currents suddenly turned sour. It was because of the proximity to the Big Mountain: RedLine. Due to the special updrafts there, the weather and the ocean currents were chaotic.

More and more raindrops hit the ship and its 'inhabitants.

Fortunately, Joz's ship was robust and stable because otherwise, their boat could have broken or even sunk.

That was why many pirates would die before they even got on the Grand Line. The ocean currents around RedLine were genuinely terrifying and unpredictable.

Everyone was shocked by this situation. Even Joz, who had seen One Piece, was shocked at how chaotic and dangerous the waters around the Red Mountain were. The sea storms on Earth were weak next to the one here. After all, One Piece was a world made up of 95% water.

"HURRY, SET THE SAILS" David shouted, continually holding the rudder.

Joz's crew set to work (Joz, Daz, and Marcus included).

It was unnecessary to leave the sails open to let the wind guide the boat. The ocean currents will do this automatically. Especially since leaving the sails open, the Diamond Rusher would risk losing his mast.

The sail was stowed away without a hitch, once again putting the excellent cooperation of the crew forward.

After a few chills, the Diamond Rusher successfully re-entered the mountain, still led by these sea currents (from the hill).

"Amazingly, our ship is climbing a mountain," cried Pouis excitedly.

'The diamond crew is heading for the Grand Line!'

Many of them would never have thought that they would go to this legendary sea one day in their life.



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