chapter 6 - it felt so real


After picnic and shopping, we went touring of the town, the town is a great view from the start but as we tour deeper into the town the beautiful view was overpowered with wary and faded beauty old buildings everywhere either locked or open down the whole place was dry.

" why is everywhere so dead unlike where we pass through just now?" Mario asked curiously

Renovation, they all renovated to the urban area you know this side is still undergoing infrastructure. parkis said

we've tour so far around here but I still haven't caught sight of any construction equipment, does this means the government has stop working on this site? she asked again worriedly

"there's nothing to worry about Mario okay? beside you can check all your presents we bought for you." William said

I wanna open them at the hotel, Mario responded with a low and light voice

oh! that's reminds me I have book an accommodation for our lodging and tomorrow we'll be leaving. tuchi said

"thanks tuchi" William said.

"dad pull over I wanna pee" Mario said

Right now ?.. I mean this isnt the right place for peeing. William said

I can't hold it any longer! Mario cried out

William stop the car as they all alighted from the car, tuchi escorted Mario to pee at a corner not far from there while parkis and William waited for them at the car...

" you've been silent for a while Manny, tell us is there a problem", William asked.

the lady back at the shopping mall...Manny paused on his statement

" you mean the old lady with a model shape? what about her". asked parkis

"don't tell me you have a crush on that old lady William said uninterested in the topic that was raise up for discussion.

"No! she's my aunt" Manny said.

"hook me up with her she's a beauty!" parkis said

"I was shocked to see her I thought she was dead after the pandemic, this town is not as good as before if only it was good before, its worst now. No matter what, we can't go into the shadows even all the doors in every living soul house are hard and made of thick rod for protection but even at that it fails most people at times.the town is no longer safe and predictable like before, people disappear every time at dusk but the most important thing is for us to get out of this town before the sun goes down...Manny paused on his statement then turn towards William and parkis before continuing his statement...that's what my aunt warned me about". Manny said before keeping a straight face facing forward.

"spending a night here won't be a problem of experiencing death"parkis said

its better to escape than experience death, tell me what benefit would it be to you if you stay for the night! Manny asked directing his question to parkis

"you wouldn't have come if you'll complain and try to discourage others here" parkis said

"Manny we understand your point of view but the thing is that... I know what I did was for my selfish act but I cant help it anylonger, and I wish to get support for this." William said trying to point out his reasons for coming.

I supported you before coming but whatever happen to us just know you are the reason behind it... Manny said firm and serious. "we are inviting death to ourselves and like I said this town is no joke at all" Manny said finally before entering into the car.

"Is this part of the interesting behavior you were talking about" William asked

"this is my first time seeing him so serious about stuffs, I think its best if we just heard back home before the sun goes down" parkis said

" OK! if that is the case let's head home" William said and nodded to it to confirm his word.

Tuchi and Mario just arrive just in time as they all enter the bus but this time parkis was the one driving.

"Mario we are heading home" William spill the beans inside the car.

why? Mario asked curiously

"you can watch the stars when we get home, right now we have to leave this town"

for safety? Mario asked

"Safety"?!?!?! they all asked surprisly.

Mario brought out an old newspaper from her gown.

"I found it when I went to pee the articles are interesting enough that it scares the "No" out of me for an answer!" Mario said with a shaken and frightened voice.

" don't be scared okay we'll get home soon, just relax and take a nap"William said assuring her.

'ok' was her short reply

why the change of mind? Manny ask

"lives is important than acts" William said turning to Manny. "and its best to escape death than wait to experience it".

right now am freezing to death its 5:00 already it will take less than 30 minutes to get out of this damn town.Tuchi said in a terrifying way.

don't worry we'll get out before the....parkis speech by the sound of the car which forcefully came to an halt.

what's wrong? William asked

"I don't know" parkis said as he start the ignition of the care but it refuse to come up. Parkis, Manny and William got out of the car to check the problem while Tuchi stay behind with Mario who has fallen asleep, two minutes later and Manny open the booth of the car to get some stuff.

"what's going on" Tuchi asked deeply concerned

"its the car carberator" Manny responded.

how long will it take to fix it? Tuchi asked

"A couple of minutes" Manny replied as he close the booth and walked to William and parkis.

Tuchi sigh heavily; she looked at her watch time and look at the sky,the sun was still firm but soon it will start preparing to go down and what will be their fate?


30 minutes later


I opened my eyes, I must have fallen asleep looking around the men were out, are they still repairing the car I got down just then I realize its to '6' and the sun is starting to go down. I walked to them." is everything alright" I asked feeling worried just then parkis pull the cover down."we are set to go" he said as I help Manny pull a huge stone forward for where they took it from to get support while parkis and William carried another one. After dropping them we headed for the car I notice some strange movement around the building all of a sudden I saw a figure like human but in a bad state and from 1 they multiple as they headed towards us. oh my god!

"everyone get in the damn car" I shouted on top of my voice the men notice what was going on, instantly we headed for the car running as fast as we could

oh god, zombies!!!