New feelings.

As weeks pass of Sky staying with Hue as Sky slowly gets over Matt. Hue comes downstairs to the smell of bacon and coffee and goes into the kitchen to see Sky already made breakfast. Sky smiles at hue and says "I hope your hungry i made breakfast" Hue replies "I am thank you it looks amazing".

Sky realizes the feelings shes gained for Hue over the time they've stayed together and she makes a plan she's gonna ask him out to dinner tonight and admit her feelings to him. Sky thinks 'i really hope he feels the time'.

She asks Hue "hey do you wanna go out to eat tonight?", Hue looks back at Sky excitedly "No I wish I could but I have a date tonight! I'm so exited I think she's the one". Sky feels a rush of disappointment and hurt flow threw her, her face turns pale as she says "Oh thats great i hope you have a good time". Sky walks away without even touching her breakfast and says "I need to take a shower enjoy"

A few hours later Hue leaves for his date and Sky sits on the couch drinking vodka wondering whats going on. She takes a few to many shots and passes out on the floor and a few hours later Hue comes home and Sky quickly sits up and sits on the couch. Sky looks at Hue who has a big grin on his face and asks "Hey howd the date go?" Hue smiled and said "it went great shes amazing Sky I wish you could meet her"

Sky to drunk to even care she falls to her side and passes out on the couch. Hue tries to wake her up but she drank to much then he notices the half empty bottle of vodka next to her and puts a trash can by her covers her up and goes to bed. Sky wakes up the next morning and doesn't get off the couch.

Hue notices how Skys been off and says "hey you alright Sky?" She replies "no not really just thinking about Matt and im kinda hung over".

Hue looks at her with a concerned look and says "I hope you feel better im gonna get going soon im going to the park with Ava today the girl I went on the date with yesterday". Sky replies feeling hurt inside "yeah have fun".