
Ian got out of the wall after a minute. He was a bit bloodied but it wasn't anything major.

He let out a small smile when we made eye contact so I knew I didn't do too much damage.

We walked towards each other. The other were looking at us in anticipation, but Ian and I already knew the spar was over. We shook hands and we went back to the others.

Dustin threw me a sweatshirt and I put it on. "Thanks Dustin."

"No problem."

The sweatshirt was a bit loose but I didn't complain.

"Meditate for a bit and then we can spar." I looked back to Dustin and then to Ian.

"If you guys want to. Up to guys."

I nodded before sitting down. I started regenerating the mana I lost. In about thirty minutes or so, I was already at almost a full tank. I stood up and walked over to Dustin who was already in the sparring zone.

"You ready?"

I nodded and we both took our positions.

The others stopped what they were doing and looked over to us as well.


Once Ian let out those words I drew my gun. I let off a few shots towards him.

Unfortunately, Dustin already had his hands out, stopping the BB pellets.

However while he was preoccupied with that I stopped time and moved out of his field of view.

I then shot a pellet at him.

Unluckily for him, the pellet hit his leg, making him wince a little. I then shot a few more at him but he stopped them this time.

'It sucks that he has high pain tolerance.'

Every awakened had incredibly high pain tolerance. Popping crystals like they were candy meant having to be prepared to be in a whole lot of pain.

Dustin then put out his hand. I felt myself getting dragged towards him, so I stopped time. With time being frozen, I was released of his control. I ran behind him and grabbed the back of him neck. I unfroze time and slammed him into the ground before putting my gun to his head.

The fight was over and I won with incredible ease.

I guess it was expected. I was weaker against people like Ian. Who could boost their speed by great amounts. But people like Dustin, Ralph and Alex didn't pose much of a threat to me. After all, I could stop time and get avoid whatever they would throw at me.

"Alright everyone. Good job. Now then before we proceed further, I would like to ask everyone if they are okay with me being the captain of this squad."

Ian from the start seemed like the leader. He spoke and coordinated everyone. I didn't see a problem and neither did anyone else.

"You're good. Pleasure to be working with you cap," Alex said with a smile.

"Like wise. Who else if getting hungry? Let's go get some food."

"Same here. I can use a good meal right now."



I sighed after jumping onto my bed. We ate and spent a little while talking. We all shared our experiences since the start of the apocalypse and even talked about our lives before.


I couldn't help but laugh even now. The squad couldn't believe how young I was.

I turned onto my stomach and slowly closed my eyes. Thankfully today was just for us to get settled.

I couldn't wait to start doing missions. After all, those were the only things that helped pass the time.


It was the next day.

The five of us were in our squad uniforms sitting inside the generals office.


The door to the office opened and the general walked inside. "Sorry for the wait boys. I had a few matters to deal with."

"No problem sir."

The general nodded and sat down before speaking. "I have a mission for you guys. I have reports saying that a few members of the 'Hero' faction are snooping around one of the bases. We'll them as well as a few other minor factions but they are none of our worries. What I want you guys to do is make your way to the location and get information out of them. Where they get their information from, and where their leader is."

"Consider it done sir."

"Perfect. Now then follow me. I have a gift for all of you."

The general got out of his seat and walked out the door. We followed along until we reached a lab.

"Bring out the cases."

The scientist who the general commanded to bring the cases did as he was told. The same scientist and an assistant came carrying cases that added up to 5.

All five had our names on it. The general and gestured us to take the cases.

"Go ahead."

I grabbed my case and opened it.

Inside the case was something I was wanted since I first seen it.

Two deagles. However, both of these deagles had one unique thing imbedded in them. Crystals. Guns powered by crystals.

The next item was a black white and gold ring. Like the gun, this also had a crystal. Or was it made purely of crystal? I didn't know, but as soon as I put it on, I could feel myself absorbing more mana.

'Mana regen ring, huh.' I thought shocked.

Finally, the last thing a communication device.

I looked to the sides and saw what the others got.

Everyone got a ring and communication device. The only things that differed were the weapons. Ian got daggers. The edge of the blades were made purely of crystals.

Alex got a sword. A detachable one. Like Ian's, the sword also had its edge made of crystals.

Ralph got gloves with crystals on the palms of it. And finally, Dustin got a bracelet.

We all saluted the general and expressed our thanks.

"Thank you, sir!"