CH.6 Gringotts and Goblins

After another pop, I am finally in a place that I have been waiting to see the leaky cauldron, and let me tell it sucks it just looks like a dirty pub I mean I was expecting at least something more interesting than this but nope just this.

Of course, the wizards did not even pay attention to and Robert and the rest went into the back and tapped on the bricks and opened the entrance to Diagon Alley. and this time I was not disappointed it was a sight to behold you could see various animals in windows of shops as I passed by them and feel the magic in the air without a doubt it was as if I stepped into a different world altogether.

"now girls before we can start shopping for your supplies we need to go to gringrots and get some galleons," Robert said to the twins.

"yes and do remember to be on your best behavior even in front of those disgusting goblins," magret said with a face of disgust.

After a little while, we arrived in front of a building that had some goblins guarding it when we got close enough I saw an inscription by the door.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

I always did love a good riddle or poem so I enjoyed it well but I did not stop to enjoy it and just followed the family but I did notice something from the goblins it felt as if they were watching me as if all their eyes were on me at first I thought they were looking at Robert and his family until he reached the front and I saw the goblin reception looking at me but he stops when Robert started talking.

"call grinkar and tell him the Hubert family has come to withdraw from the family vault," he said with a face that said I was better than you.

the goblin sneered and said something in their language to the guard nearby.

A minute later another goblin which I'm guessing is grinkar came and told them to follow him.

he lead us to the mine carts the same as in the movie and we rode in silence to the vault.

As we rode he kept looking at me that started making me paranoid first the goblins in the front now him. so I silently check to see if anything was wrong with my cloak and found nothing wrong with it so I guess it must be something else but what.

My thoughts got interrupted with the cart stopping and grinkar getting out and opening the vault. Robert and the rest went inside the vault and I was about to go in when Robert said to stay here.

So I stayed and once again he was looking at me so I asked why.

"why are do keep looking at me," I said after turning to him whit a smooth and calm voice.

he was surprised at first butt immediately composed himself and said "ah no reason just your eyes the first time I have seen something like that".

"oh thank you I'm quite proud of them," I said with a smile then went back into a neutral face because Robert and the rest were coming out.

I said nothing to grinkar after that and just left Gringrotts following Robert and the rest of his family not knowing the effect I had on them.

pov grinkar

my name is grinkar proud goblin and manager at Gringotts bank I manage a few wizarding families' accounts and every day it's about the same thing a wizarding family comes in with their pride their superiority and disgust when they look at us.

But we do not care what they think of us we are mighty goblins and for the most part, we just ignore them and take from their vaults through various loopholes these idiots never look for.

It was a normal day stupid wizards come and go but today something different and interesting happened I was called to open the vault for the Hubbert family another stupid wizard except this one was a dark one.

And then I saw him a weak house elve but the closer I got to him the more I felt my words were wrong. I have seen house-elves and most follow their masters like his a god they worship the very ground they walk on not only that every house elve I have seen has been afraid of how we goblins look. but this one was truly different from the way he held himself with confidence to the way he walk or how he would around the rooms with those eyes of his but what truly confirmed it was when we were riding to the Hurberts vault and I got close enough to feel his magic.

A normal wizard's magic is weak but as they grow up they get stronger but only as they reach peak maturity and then they slowly get weaker with age only a few special ones such as dumbledore or he who must not be named can stay powerful as they ages.

But elves are different than other species their power doesn't grow which is probably because they don't use their magic that much but even they only have as much magic they are born with.

But this elve magic was overflowing like a river as if it was an infinite river and that's not all the purity of it rivals most wizard teenagers and some weaker adults.

After I opened the Huberts vault they went in and made the elve stay outside and I started staring at him and this time his eyes they had the same shine that the lovely gold has I must have started too much because he asked me why I was staring at him much to my surprise so I told him I was staring at his eyes and he told me he was proud of them something I have never heard from an elve.

After the Hubert family left I could not stop thinking about him and I could only feel that something is going to change I don't know when but I know it will happen and he will be in the middle of it all.