Chapter 4

After walking into the center for a few minutes an all white southern plantation like house appeared. It had a beautiful patio that wrapped around to the garden .the garden filled with crops, fruit trees of every fruit even those that were considered extinct had been fluriousing. Amara sat down at the tea table, jaxs in turn sat Jen down across Amara before sitting next to his wife. Amara snapped her finger. The table was filled with fine china and snacks and hot tea. As Amara sat the tea poured itself. Amara took a sip.

"Welcome to the Willow center Jen," she said with a smile and glanced at Jaxs who was sipping tea." when Jaxs and I had first arrived. We newly trained guardians and had little to no experience. The guardians before us, lived off the land as nomads. They didn't have a set destination. They had let us know about this place."

Long before the hotel you know today, and even longer than the pit stop Jaxs and i came too. This house and garden belong to the humans. This place wasnt always the desert either. It used to be a valley. However humans as greed as they are. Closed the river that follwed through here and built a dam. Killing all that flourished here and driving the wild life away. The humans that owned this house had a crazy as this sounds.Well A guardian fell in love with that human female and they had a child. The concil was furious when word got back to them. They demanded the gaurdian kill her and the child. For it is FORBIDDEN to be intimate with the life forms given the history. Well the gaurdian refused and said it was all a lie. So a bounty was put on the gaurdian and his new family. Which as a gaurdian he must have known would happen. Anyways the bounty hunters only found him and his wife. No child or any signs of one was found. So they chucked that up to false information. After all was said and done. Two new guardians were sent. Fell in love with this very house and purchased it. The concil came and turned it into the shabby pit stop. Without taking care of it of cojrse. After about a centery or so Jaxs and i came updated the house. We got married and the rest is history." Amara smiled

"Now that you know the history. Let's get to it.Jaxs." Amara took a sip of her tea.