Hell Fire

This was an extreme sensitivity to danger which was unique to animals. He stared fixedly at the dark corner where a powerful enemy was lurking. Even his centipedes could sense the danger.

With a thought from him, all the centipedes around him shot out like sharp arrows toward the dark corner. He wanted to attack with all his might and let his centipedes bite his opponent to death. This time, more than ten centipedes flew out, including the huge centipede which was as thick as an arm.

However, soon after, his eyes opened wide in shock. He had a look of disbelief because his centipedes had suddenly stopped moving. Then, they were frozen into ice popsicles, falling to the ground. Crack! Crack! They shattered into several pieces.

Then, he felt a bone-chilling cold. Half of his body was frozen. He could not run even if he wanted to. Then, a transparent figure exuding cold air floated out and levitated in the air.