The Leader Is Here

"So powerful!" Klein looked at the phantom of a dragon soul and Ron in shock. One could not tell if he was referring to the strength of the gold-tier magical weapon or Ron.

When Howen saw the other party's performance, he was shocked and in disbelief. When Ron was making his moves earlier, he had seen his strength. "Ron is actually a level-8 Great Mage! How is this possible? Previously, when we fought at the banquet, he was only a level-5 Great Mage. It has only been a few days, and he has already advanced three levels in a row? He has become a level-8 Great Mage?"

He did not know if it was because the other party had concealed his strength that day, or if the other party was really so talented that he could advance three levels in a short period of time. He could not accept either of these scenarios.