The Family Clan prospers

"Damn, it's actually a Tenfold Cultivation Halo! I'm rich now."

Seeing that it was actually such a special effect, Romo was instantly very happy. For the rise of a family clan, what was the most important? Of course, it was strength. Tenfold Cultivation Halo would greatly increase the overall strength of the family clan, and it was a permanent effect. It was not like the tools used previously, which were all temporary effects. After using them, the effects would be gone. Furthermore, the tools used previously, such as the Hundredfold Cultivation Talisman, could only be used by one person and not by a group of people. However, this was a group effect. Also, it could be stacked with the effects of those tools because it was a halo effect, not the effect of the tools. In short, this was a very useful special effect, and the 30,000 Faith Points spent was worth it.

Romo then used the other two tools.

[Ding… Received perfume-making technology.]