Death Threat

The resources Ron had brought back from the trial realm this time were mostly useful for those at the Physical Body Realm and the Innate Realm. There were very few resources available for those at the Divine Power realm. There were also quite a number of scattered items that could be exchanged for money.

When the Nicholas family had just moved to Winterfrost, all the resources the entire family clan had then were not as many as what Ron had brought back this time.

These resources were enough to allow the Nicholas family to advance by another level, and the strength of the entire family clan would also increase.

Ron had given Norton most of his resources for safekeeping and to distribute them reasonably to the clansmen.

"Brother Ron? Is that Brother Ron?"

"Is he very powerful?"

"Of course. Grandpa has said that he has improved very quickly. He is now the person with the highest cultivation base in the family."