Arrival of the Reinforcements

"Who is creating a scene in the territory of the Nicholas family clan?" A voice suddenly sounded from the sky.

The onlookers in Winterfrost were all stunned. What was going on? Could it be that the Nicholas family clan had so many old acquaintances? However, everyone expressed that this show had been worth it, and the climaxes came wave after wave.

However, it was obvious that the members of the Nicholas family did not know who it was. They looked surprised and looked in the direction of the voice.

Upon hearing this, Primo and the rest knew that the person must be here to help the Nicholas family. What should they do? They might not even be able to deal with just Xi Bolai alone, but now there was a mythical beast and this unknown person.

Romo, who was in the ancestral hall of the Nicholas family, smiled in satisfaction. "I have not sacrificed my life to save you all. You have come at the right time."