Ron Breaks Through! Family Clan Upgrade!

A total of four items had appeared in the interface which popped up in the System. However, of the first three items, only the Hundredfold Cultivation Speed Talisman was still of some value to Romo. The rest were not of much use. Only the fourth item had attracted Romo's attention.

[Enlightenment Talisman: Upon use, it allows a descendant at a bottleneck to obtain a chance of enlightenment and greatly increase the probability of an opportunity appearing]

This product simply made Romo's eyes light up. First, this product was not easy to come by and was very rare. Second, it had appeared at a very opportune time. Wasn't this all prepared for Ron? As Ron was coincidentally in the midst of upgrading, Romo quickly bought these two items.

In the Nicholas palace, after the descendants had completed their worship activities, they started to do their own things.