Second Search for Clansmen

"Nicholas?" The rich young master looked in disbelief, but his tone was no longer arrogant. "Are you really from the Nicholas family?"

Lily looked irritated. To her, she still did not know what the Nicholas family meant. "Duh. I already said my name is Lily Nicholas. If my surname is not Nicholas, what else can my surname be?"

The rich young master's tone instantly became very respectful. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It was all a misunderstanding just now. Don't be angry."

Lily quickly took a step back. Seeing his attitude was so different now compared to earlier, Lily immediately felt that he was not a good person. And now his smile seemed a little wretched to Lily.

"Let's go," Lily said to her two sidekicks. In the blink of an eye, she had fled and disappeared.