Abnormal Actions

From his clothes to his person and even the weapon in his hand, they all turned into a mist of blood in an instant and quickly dissipated into the air. The entire process did not make any sound, and no one knew.

The three children were still playing happily together. They did not know what had happened around them.

Of course, it was not just the assassin who had vanished into thin air. All the assassins who had been lying in ambush in the Nicholas family palace had vanished. They were all in a corner that no one cared about.

In fact, Romo had already sensed their auras in the beginning. The reason why they were able to enter the Nicholas family palace successfully was because Romo wanted them to come in. Otherwise, they would have been blocked by the formation outside.

The Chief had thought that it was because of his strong magical power and the lack of vigilance of the Nicholas family. He had not expected this to be Romo's move.