End the Battle quickly

It hurt so much that he could not help himself. Ron grabbed the other party's lifeline tightly and watched the demon in front of him disintegrate bit by bit.

"No!" The core demon's eyes widened, and they were filled with fear and despair. He blurted out, "Don't kill me! Ah—!" Before he could finish speaking, it turned into a miserable scream that vanished into nothingness.

Ron's expression was indifferent. Without any hesitation, he crushed his core. As the core shattered, cracks appeared on the core demon's divine soul like shattered porcelain, and he immediately collapsed.

It was a long story when told, but it had only been a short while since the time that Ron erupted and when he killed that core demon. When the core demon's soul was shattered, the other demons around had not even reacted.

It was not until Ron turned around to look at them that the four demons regained their senses and tried to escape.