Secret Operation

The threat of the Mu Guang Pavilion was gone, so the Nicholas family was active again. Everyone had thought so.

The Nicholas family still ignored the various chatter outside and did what they had to do.

In the past three months, the family business had been handed over to outsiders to manage. There had been some problems, and they all needed to be dealt with.

Three days later, Norton, Zoro, and the others, accompanied by Karuman, quietly left Winterfrost for the Calamity Mountain Range to train. The people on this trip were Norton, Zoro, Jimmy, Dick, and Karuman, who was leading the way.

The few of them left the city quietly and did not make a scene. The citizens of the city did not know, but some spies who had been secretly monitoring the Nicholas family clan had noticed.

Soon, someone had spread the news secretly, and some people started to act in secret.