Snatching Back

The people in Winterfrost quickly discovered the flying ferry that had suddenly appeared above the Nicholas family. They were all shocked, and for a moment, the entire city became lively.

Soon, even the City Lord, Lein Dupont, was alerted. He flew out of the City Lord Residence and came to the Nicholas family.

Looking at the members of the Nicholas family who were boarding the ferry through the elevator produced by the ferry's formation, Lein Dupont was bewildered. He found Norton and asked, "Family head of the Nicholas family, what are you doing?"

Norton smiled and said, "City Lord, we're returning to the Holy Light City."

As he spoke, he clasped his fist at Lein Dupont sincerely. "Thank you for your care all these years, City Lord."

"Roar!" A clear cry resounded in the sky. The Five-Color Peacock spread its wings and flew into the sky. It accompanied the huge flying ferry and flew away from Winterfrost into the distance.