Nurture the Descendants

The cold beauty smiled, and for a moment, it was as if the world had stopped for a breath.

"Perhaps, I should go out and take a look…"

The sun set and the moon rose.

Sebastian Kingdom, Holy Light City.

The clansmen of the Nicholas family were already lying on their beds resting. They had been tired all day and had to work tomorrow.

In the ancestral hall, Romo summoned the System and clicked on the rewards left behind today.

[Command Confirmation. To use one piece of the Family Clan Guardian Spirit Beast Nest Construction Talisman. The plan for the nest can be selected as follows:]

With the System notifications, many different types of nests appeared in front of Romo. Each type was suitable for a different Guardian Spirit Beast… At the front, the System had recommended the most suitable plan for the nest. It was quite considerate.

Currently, the Nicholas family clan only had one Guardian Spirit Beast, the Five-Color Peacock.