The Crisis Is Still Here

In the middle of the collapsed treasure mountain, in the cave of the ruins.

"No, impossible! How… how is this possible?!"

"What kind of fire-based secret technique is this?!"

There were voices of shock and disbelief…

Old Man Pale Face's body trembled. He stared at the dense platinum fire cloud around him, his heart turning cold.

Was this really a magical power that a Great Archmage could use?!

Even if they had used a forbidden technique to forcefully increase their level to half step to the Divine Mage level, it was impossible for them to unleash such a terrifying magical power!

But now, it was right in front of him… This was not a matter of whether he believed it or not!


With a cracking sound, the face of Old Man Pale Face turned ashen, and his eyes saw the crack of the golden turtle shell above his head.