Revenge, Deep in the Sea

A huge black shadow appeared under the flying ferry. As the huge shadow floated up bit by bit, the shadow became larger and larger!!


The water surface was sliced open like tofu. A ferocious tentacle rushed out and shot at the two people who were the nearest!

Faced with such a sudden change, the male cultivator suddenly exerted strength with one hand and pushed the female cultivator beside him away forcefully. Then, he resolutely pulled out his saber and decisively swung it, wanting to block the bizarre tentacle.

However, that attack was instantly shattered by the tentacle that had swept over. In an instant, the tentacle with the hideous serrated teeth was about to slap down toward him!

The male cultivator revealed a look of despair. He would probably die here today…


Under his inexplicably horrified gaze, the tentacles suddenly exploded into a rain of flesh and blood!
