Magical Beasts Break Out of the Body

Imperial Garden, beside the clear pool.

Above the clear blue water stood a pavilion with carved jade.

Lily was leaning over a fence carved with various exquisite patterns. She casually scattered a handful of fish food, causing various kinds of koi to fight over the food. It was very lively.

After feeding the fish for a while, she pouted, put down the tray, and looked at the distant hill.

"Sister Norlis, is that hill really a sacred beast?"

"Of course!" Norlis nodded solemnly. "It is one of the sacred beasts protecting our royal family. It is a level-6 Mystic Spirit Sacred Turtle!"

"It's even an extremely large Sacred Turtle. That hill is just a corner of the turtle's back!"

"Then… why is it not moving?" Lily was puzzled.

Norlis was a little embarrassed. "Well… It just sleeps most of the time and usually refuses to move…"