Kill Those Who Wanted to Kill Me

[Ding! Urgent mission completed. Received the following rewards:]

[Top-Grade Experience Talismans x 30, Hundredfold Cultivation Speed Talismans x 20, Hundredfold Cultivation Speed Talismans exclusively for Spirit Beast x 5, and Hundredfold Cultivation Speed Talismans exclusively for retainers x 5.]

[Spirit Beast Nurture Talisman x 1, Enlightenment Talismans x 5, Aptitude Enhancement Talismans x 3, and Talent Strengthening Talisman x 1]

[Random top-grade sacred weapon x 1, high-grade Faith Doubling Talisman x 1, and Realm Breakthrough Protection Talismans x 5]

[A Special-Discount Store Beckoning Talisman and a Surprise Treasure Chest.]

When the time limit for the Ancestral Protection Talisman reached zero, Romo returned to the ancestral hall of the Nicholas family. At the same time, he heard a long string of System notifications and he was delighted to have received so many rewards from a trip.