The Fake Gone, The Real One Appears, Fierce Ghost

"Woo, woo, woo…"

As the fortune-teller was conducting the ritual, a cold wind suddenly blew in the courtyard. Many people shivered.

Especially Mr. and Mrs. Kona. They were nervous and afraid. They had been paying attention to their surroundings. Every time they caught a glimpse of the darkness, they would tremble involuntarily, as if they were afraid that a man-eating monster would rush out from the darkness.

Moreover, when they saw the attic in the distance facing the courtyard, the couple would look at each other and give each other strength.

"It's alright… Nong Nong will definitely get better!"

The person living in the attic was their youngest daughter who was seriously ill. In the past, there would be a few maids constantly taking care of the young lady inside. Now, because the master wanted to perform a ritual, everyone inside had retreated. There was only the young lady in the attic which seemed to be haunted by a malicious spirit.