Chen hansheng, selling his body to pay off debts

He had gotten the entrepreneurial bases in Block F of the teaching building, No. 101 and No. 102, but the old tables and chairs inside, the weeds that were half the height of a person outside, and the randomly placed bicycles nearby were all problems that needed to be solved.

Chen hansheng was well aware that it was too inefficient to organize the work with only a few Jin Yong heroes, especially since some of them were not in a hurry to do their part-time jobs as heroes.

It was time to make use of the class monitor's resources, especially a prestigious class monitor like Chen hansheng.

In class, he directly told his classmates that his entrepreneurial base needed help. Under his call, the students in Public Management class two basically went to help or watch the show.

Of course, there were also some conditions. The boys all asked Chen hansheng to organize another class activity as soon as possible.