A promotion strategy (2)

Seeing his achievements being trampled on, a freshman wanted to knock on the door, but Chen hansheng stopped him. "What are you doing?"

"I don't intend to cause any trouble. I'm just asking them why they don't respect the fruits of others 'labor."

The freshman said innocently and passionately.

Chen hansheng laughed out loud and walked forward to hug him. "What are we doing?"

to promote No. 101's express delivery service.

"What's the purpose?"

"I'll train my abilities and earn some living expenses."

"That's it."

Chen hansheng said to the freshman and everyone in the team, ""It's not easy to make money. As for training your abilities, this is a good time to hone yourself. Different responses can bring about different effects, and quarrels are definitely the most meaningless kind."

then what should we do? are we just going to endure it? "

The freshman said with some dissatisfaction.

"What else?"