Dog food is everywhere in life

Looking at the dazed Hu Xiu ping and Zuo Xiao Li, Chen han Sheng thought to himself,"you didn't expect this, right? I have long surrendered to the Imperial court." I'm now a student cadre of the youth League Committee monitoring center. It's only because of Yu yueping that I haven't made it public.

If he were to compare it to the ancient official positions, he would at least be a thousand-man commander of the brocade guard of the eastern Depot. The backtrack of "Kang Xi's undercover visit" had already been automatically switched to "embroidered spring saber."

"Vice President Zuo, am I still the Deputy Minister of the public relations department?"

Chen hansheng looked at Zuo Xiaoli and asked.

Zuo Xiaoli was completely speechless. In his heart, he was cursing the teachers from the league Committee for eating sh * t. In the past, they would directly stamp it. Why was the stamp " inappropriate " this time?