New Minister

Chen hansheng and Xiao rongyu had dinner at the eastern University cafeteria. When they returned to dormitory 602, everyone was there except for Li chennan.

They had just met on New Year's Eve, and everyone was very enthusiastic. They bragged, ate the local specialties of each other's hometown, and complained about the ghostly cold weather in Jian ye. Then, they began to clean up.

Chen hansheng's nerves were still in a state of excitement. He felt that he needed a channel to vent, so he suggested that they go online and play games.

Guo shaoqiang and Jin Yangming didn't care, but yang shichao refused to go no matter what.

I told you last year to study hard this semester. I've already used up all the all-nighters I've had for the past four years in college.

Yang shichao said firmly.

Guo shaoqiang didn't believe it at all, and he tried to fool yang shichao like Chen hansheng.

old yang, stop acting cool. It's my treat tonight.