All the new students in the Academy

"Brother, what did Chen hansheng tell you?"

Zhang weilei asked curiously.

he didn't say that we could disclose it. Let's wait for the arrangements.

you're crazy. You can't even tell me this. I'm your real brother.

Zhang weilei said angrily.

Zhang weiyu ignored him. He turned around on his bed in the warehouse. He looked at the moonlight and smelled the paper of the package. He slowly fell asleep.

At the beginning of April, the epidemic all over the country welcomed its peak. No matter if it was a school, a business, or even a community, once a suspected case was found, the entire area was immediately isolated. Even the originally safe Jiangling university town began to panic.

Some teachers wore masks throughout the class, but no one said anything, because the students below also only revealed their eyes.

damn it, it's supposed to be a warm spring day, but all the girls are covering their faces. It's a waste of spring and a waste of this semester.